Engineered Gene Drives: State of Research Webinar Series by The GeneConvene Global Collaborative September-October 2020

David O'Brochta and Hector Quemada,  GeneConvene Global Collaborative,  2020.

Engineered Gene Drives: State of Research
September 9,16,23,30, October 7, 14
11 am- 12:30pm
(Washington, D.C. -GMT -5)

This was a series of public scientific and technical seminars by researchers actively involved in the research and development of engineered gene drive and related systems. Presentations were aimed at other researchers and scientists, highlighting the latest investigations in this area of applied genetics.

Sept. 9    Gene-drive systems for mosquito population modification. Anthony James, Ph.D., University of California, Irvine




Sept. 16  Manipulation wild populations using Cleave and Rescue (ClvR) selfish genetic elements. Bruce Hay, Ph.D., California Institute of Technology (Caltech)




Sept 23  Advanced genetic control of human disease vectors. Omar Akbari, Ph.D., University of California, San Diego




Sept 30  Transmission Zero: Converting malaria vector mosquitoes into non-vectors via minimal genetic modifications. George Christophides, Ph.D., Imperial College, London




Oct 7  Anoheles gambiae population suppression gene drive technologies. Andrea Crisanti, Ph.D. Imperial College, London



Oct 14  Engineered Genetic Incompatibility- species-like barriers to sexual reproducing insects. Michael Smanski, Ph.D., University of Minnesota