2005 The government of Senegal initiated a tsetse (Glossina palpalis gambiensis) control program in Niayes in northwestern Sengal covering an area of 1000 square kilometers.
Insecticide impregnated fly traps were used to reduce fly densities followed by the release of sterile males.
With sterile insects provided by a laboratory in Burkina Faso and released aerially in the target areas using a gyrocopter.
2017 The density of wild tsetse was reduced and transmission of African Animal Trypanosomiasis was halted.
Tags:Other arthropods, Population suppression, Sterile insect technique (SIT)
M. J. B. Vreysen, M. T. Seck, B. Sall, A. G. Mbaye, M. Bassene, A. G. Fall, M. Lo and J. Bouyer,
In 2005, the Government of Senegal initiated a project entitled "Projet de lutte contre les glossines dans les Niayes" (Tsetse control project in the Niayes) with the aim of creating a zone free of Glossina palpalis gambiensis in that area. The project received technical and ...
Tags:Other arthropods, Sterile insect technique (SIT)
International Atomic Energy Agency,
Senegal has successfully integrated the Sterile Insect Technique into its tsetse fly control project in the Niayes region. This nuclear technique suppresses or even eradicates insect pest by using radiation to sterilize primarily males. The disease that tsetse flies transmit can ...