Keywords: New World Screwworm

Zombie Deer and the Scientists Behind the War on the ‘Man Eater’

S. Jones,  NC STATE CALS News,  2022.
In the remote jungles of the Panama-Colombia border, sterile flesh-eating flies fall from the sky in the thousands. Released from retired military planes, they embark on a suicide mission for their species, with the sole purpose of duping their female counterparts into mating ...
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Historical perspective and new avenues to control the myiasis-causing fly Cochliomyia hominivorax in Uruguay.

Fresia P, Pimentel S, Iriarte V, Marques L, Durán V, Saravia A, Novas R, Basika T, Ferenczi A, Castells D, Saporiti T, Cuore U, Losiewicz S, Fernández F, Ciappesoni G, Dalla-Rizza M and M. A.,  Agrociencia Uruguay,  25:e974. 2021.
Mosca de la bichera’ or simply ‘bichera’ are common names given in Uruguay and the region to the primary myiasis-causing species Cochliomyia hominivorax, the New World Screwworm (NWS) fly (Diptera: Calliphoridae). Myiasis happens when dipteran larvae infest live animals at ...
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Eradication of the screwworm from Libya using the sterile insect technique

M. Vargas-Terán, B. S. Hursey and E. P. Cunningham,  Parasitology Today,  10:119-122. 1994.
The introduction in 1988 of the New World screwworrn into Libya presented a serious threat to the livestock and wildlife sectors of the African continent Mediterranean and the region. In this article, MoisPs Vargas-Terin, Brian 8. Hursey and Edward P. Cunningham describe the ...
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