Keywords: single strand annealing
Self-Deleting Genes Project To Tackle Mosquito-Borne DiseasesD. Ozdemir, INTERESTING ENGINEERING, 2021.Did you know that mosquitoes kill at least 725,000 persons every year? They truly are one of the world's deadliest animals which is the reason why scientists from all around are trying to find new ways of dealing with them. Controlling mosquito populations and preventing them ... |
Edit, undo: Temporary gene editing could help solve the mosquito problemL. Dormehl, digitaltrends, 2020.But if SyFy original movies have taught us anything, it’s that genetically tweaking organisms and then releasing them can… well, not go quite according to plan.With that in mind, a new Texas A&M AgriLife Research project seeks to test out genetic modifications of mosquitos ... |
Self-deleting genes promise risk-free genetic engineering of mosquitoesD. Quick, New Atlas, 2020.A new project by Texas A&M AgriLife Research is looking to enable "test runs" of genetic changes to mosquitoes that are automatically deleted. Various angles of attack using genetic engineering to combat mosquitoes have been pursued in recent years, including modifying them so ... |
Self-deleting genes to be tested as part of mosquito population control conceptB. Hays, UPI, 2020.Scientists at Texas A&M have developed a new technique for altering the genes of mosquitoes -- the new technology will cause genetic changes to self-delete from the mosquitoes' genome. Thanks to the breakthrough, described Monday in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal ... |
$3.9M project on self-deleting genes takes aim at mosquito-borne diseasesO. Kuchment, AGRILIFE Today, 2020.To control mosquito populations and prevent them from transmitting diseases such as malaria, many researchers are pursuing strategies in mosquito genetic engineering. A new Texas A&M AgriLife Research project aims to enable temporary “test runs” of proposed genetic changes in ... |
Self-deleting genes tested as part of the concept of mosquito population controlcharlottelarson, NEWYORK NEWS TIMES, 2020.Most genetic engineering strategies designed to control mosquito populations, and their ability to spread diseases such as malaria, require gene editing to be combined with gene drives. Gene drives allow altered DNA to spread rapidly throughout the population. |
Making gene drive biodegradableJ. Zapletal, N. Najmitabrizi, M. Erraguntla, M. A. Lawley, K. M. Myles and Z. N. Adelman, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 376:20190804. 2020.Here, we consider the inclusion of self-elimination mechanisms into the design of homing-based gene drive transgenes. This approach not only caused the excision of the gene drive transgene, but also generates a transgene-free allele resistant to further action by the gene drive. ... |