A tsetse eradication project using SIT was initiated in Zanzibar in 1994by the International Atomic Energy Agency and the governments of Tanzania and Zanzibar
The target species was Glossina austeni Newstead.
A phased approach, dividing.
the island into 2 parts.
Flies were mass-reared in Tanga and dispersed over Unguja using aircraft twice weekly.
A total of 8,505,780 sterile male tsetse flies were released on the island from August 1994 to December 1997.
The last trapped indigenous male and female flies were found in August of 1996
The integration of the sterile insect technique with the application of insecticides to livestock and the use of targets was a prerequisite to reach.
Tags:Other arthropods
M. J. B. Vreysen, K. M. Saleh, M. Y. Ali, A. M. Abdulla, Z.-R. Zhu, K. G. Juma, V. A. Dyck, A. R. Msangi, P. A. Mkonyi and H. U. Feldmann,
Journal of Economic Entomology,
An area-wide integrated tsetse eradication project was initiated in Zanzibar in 1994 by the International Atomic Energy Agency and the governments of Tanzania and Zanzibar, to eradicate Glossina austeni Newstead from Unguja Island (Zanzibar) using the sterile insect technique. ...
Tags:Other arthropods, Sterile insect technique (SIT)
A. R. Msangi, N. Kiwia, I. I. Malele, F. Mramba, K. M. Saleh, W. A. Mussa, K. G. Juma, V. A. Dyck, M. J. B. Vreysen, A. G. Parker, U. Feldmann, Z. R. Zhu and H. Pan,
Area-Wide Control of Fruit Flies and Other Insect Pests,
There are about 22 species of tsetse flies found nowhere else in the world except in 36 countries of sub-Saharan Africa Tsetse flies transmit a debilitating and often fatal disease, trypanosomosis, which causes tremendous losses of livestock, and severely limits agricultural ...