Worldwide Experts on Gene Drives

Save Our Seeds,  2023.

“We are travelling the world speaking to some of the world’s leading thinkers, activists and academics on the impact of gene drives. Join us for this video series as we hear from a diverse range of experts on one of the most controversial new emerging technologies that we face.”

This is a series of 21 videos published by Save Our Seeds that explores gene drives from the perspectives of indigenous peoples:

Gene Drives: extending the patterns of colonisation | Debra Harry

Gene Drives: Understanding the military and political influence | Edward Hammond

Gene Drives: exploring the impact on biodiversity and livelihoods| Jim Thomas

Gene Drives: the missing perspectives | Riley Taitingfong

Gene drives: analysing the cultural background | Ignacio Chapela

Gene Drives: evaluating the role of the United Nations | Lim Li Ching

Gene Drives: contextualising technology assessment | Tom Wakeford

Gene Drives: identifying false solutions | Sabrina Masinjila

Gene Drives: exploiting the lack of awareness | Mfoniso Antia

Gene Drives: learning from African traditional knowledge | Fassil Gebeyehu

Gene Drives: evaluating gene drive mosquitoes for Uganda | Barbara Ntambirweki

Gene Drives: examining the biosafety aspect | Caroline Bedin Zanatta

Gene Drives: understanding the effects of CRISPR/Cas9 | Rubens Onofre Nodari

Gene Drives: shedding light on Target Malaria | Ali Tapsoba and Guy Yaméogo

Gene Drives: privatising malaria control | Mariam Mayet

Gene Drives: deregulating gene drives in Uruguay | Claudio Martinez Debat

Gene Drives: resisting NGTs in Ecuador | Elizabeth Bravo

Gene Drives: unveiling ‘constructed ignorance’ in Brasil | Leonardo Melgarejo

Gene Drives: analysing biosafety law in Peru | Antonietta Gutièrrez Rosati

Gene Drives: deconstructing false promises | Jaime García González

Gene Drives: Examining Gene Drive projects on the Galapagos islands | Daniel Santi