- Convention on Biological Diversity – Dec. 1993
- Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety Sept. 2003
- Nagoya Protocol on benefit sharing Oct. 2014
- Nagoya – Kuala Lumpur Supplementary Protocol on Liability and Redress – Mar. 2018
Legal Status
- Biotechnology and Biosafety Policy (2008)
- Genetic Engineering Regulatory Act 2018 (Under revision to include applications to health)
- National Environment Act (2019)
- Plant and Seed Act (2007)
Competent Authority
- Uganda National Council for Science and Technology (UNCST)
- National Biosafety Committee
National Focal Point
Biosafety Regulations/Guidelines
- Guidelines for Containment (2006)
- National Guidelines for Field Trials of GE Plants and SOPs (2012)
- Standard Operating Procedures for NBC (Revised 2012).
- Inspection Manual (2007)
Participating Institutions/Agencies
Regulatory Review and Approval Process
Currently for Research Only
Confined Field Trial Approvals
- Pest and disease-resistant cooking banana
- Vitamin-A enhanced cooking banana
- Disease-resistant cassava
- Pest, drought, and herbicide-resistant maize
- Disease-resistant potato
- Nitrogen use efficient, water use efficient, and salt tolerant Rice
Environmental Approvals
- None