Chinese researchers make genetic breakthrough that could change the future of agriculture: ‘Powerful and transformative strategy’

Chinese researchers make genetic breakthrough that could change the future of agriculture: ‘Powerful and transformative strategy’

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Jeremiah Budin,  The Cool Down,  2024.

Chinese scientists have reportedly engineered a way to use gene-editing technology to bypass natural plant behavior and force crops to inherit genes that will make them more resilient and easier to grow, according to Interesting Engineering. “The genetic manipulation of wild plant populations has emerged as a potentially powerful and transformative strategy,” the researchers said.

The technique involves using CRISPR gene-editing technology to bypass traditional Mendelian inheritance — the process by which genes are passed down through generations — to breed plants with “ideal” genes. The system is known as CRISPR-Assisted Inheritance, or CAIN. “This gene drive-based approach thus seeks to balance crop protection and environmental considerations to minimise the loss of biodiversity while optimising productivity,” the researchers wrote. “As we venture into this new frontier in genetic engineering, [CAIN] and other gene drive systems could reshape ecological management and agricultural practices.”