GeneConvene Global Collaborative Webinar Series | Decision and Analysis Tools for Complex Problems

GeneConvene Global Collaborative Webinar Series | Decision and Analysis Tools for Complex Problems

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Hector Quemada and David O'Brochta,  GeneConvene Global Collaborative,  2021. [YouTube Playlist]

Nov 3, 17, December 1,8,16 2021
Washington, D.C.

Decisions concerning the testing and use of gene drive technologies are expected to be challenging because of complexity and uncertainty, but this is not a unique decision-making scenario. There are numerous approaches to decision-making under these conditions and this webinar series will introduce a few and illustrate, in very accessible ways, how they are used.

A key step in all approaches is the explicit conceptualization of the system under consideration and its graphical representation as a collection of interacting entities. The resulting graph(s) forms the basis for further analyses, either qualitative (e.g. Signed Digraphs – Webinar 1), semi-quantitative (e.g. Fuzzy Cognitive Maps – Webinar 2) or quantitative (e.g. Bayesian Network Analysis – Webinar 3).
The utility of decision support systems is that they are highly adaptable and not limited to technical problems such as risk assessment but are equally useful in all manner of stakeholder engagement (Webinars 4 & 5).