Experimental population-genetics of meiotic drive systems .1: Pseudo-Y chromosomal drive as a means of eliminating cage populations of Drosophila melanogaster

Experimental population-genetics of meiotic drive systems .1: Pseudo-Y chromosomal drive as a means of eliminating cage populations of Drosophila melanogaster

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Lyttle, TW,  Genetics,  86:413-445. 1977.

The experimental population genetics of Y-chromosome drive in Drosophila; melanogasier is approximated by studying the behavior of T(Y;S),SD lines.; These exhibit “pseudo-Y” drive through the effective coupling of the Y chromosome; to the second chromosome meiotic drive locus, Segregation distorter; (SD). T(Y;S),SD males consequently produce only male offspring. When; such lines are allowed to compete against structurally normal SD+ flies in; population cages, T(Y;S),SD males increase in frequency according to the; dynamics of a simple haploid selection model until the cage population is; eliminated as a result of a deficiency in the number of adult females. Cage; population extinction generally occurs within about seven generatiomSeveral; conclusions can be drawn from these competition cage studies:; (1) Fitness estimates for the T(Y;Z),SD lines (relative to SD+) are generally; in the range of 2-4, and these values are corroborated by; independent estimates derived from studies of migration-selection; equilibrium.; (2) Fitness estimates are unaffected by cage replication, sample time, or; the starting frequency of T(Y;Z),SD males, indicating that data from; diverse cages can be legitimately pooled to give an overall fitness; estimate.; (3) Partitioning of the T(Y;S),SD fitnesses into components of viability,; fertility, and frequency of alternate segregation (Y + SD from; X+SD+) suggests that most of the T(Y;S),SD advantage derives; from the latter two components. Improvements in the system might; involve increasing both the viability and the alternate segregation to; increase the total fitness.; While pseudo-Y drive operates quite effectively against laboratory stocks,; it is less successful in eliminating wild-type populations which are already; segregating for suppressors of SD action. This observation suggests that further