Genetic engineering to eradicate invasive mice on islands: modeling the efficiency and ecological impacts
Genetic engineering to eradicate invasive mice on islands: modeling the efficiency and ecological impacts
Tags: Gene drive synthetic, Other mammalsBackus, GAG, K., Ecosphere, 7:e01589. 2016.
Invasive rodents are usually eradicated from islands through the application of chemical toxicants that can harm surrounding ecosystems. A recently proposed alternative involves engineering a house mouse (Mus musculus) to carry a genetic construct that would cause a majority of its offspring to be male, many of which would be sterile. Releasing these genetically engineered mice to interbreed with an invasive population would reduce the number of fertile female mice until no more remain. We constructed a mathematical model to analyze the population dynamics of eradication with this genetically engineered mouse and determined its eradication efficiency through model analysis and simulations. Because genetically engineered mice would likely have a fitness disadvantage compared to wild mice, we found that they would need to be repeatedly released into the population to ensure complete eradication. However, if genetically engineered mice have a substantial survival advantage, we determined that the genetic construct could theoretically spread and eradicate a population after a single pulsed release onto the target island or after an engineered mouse escapes to a non-target location. Also, while the species specificity of genetic engineering avoids some of the non-target impacts of traditional eradication methods, ecological impacts could manifest indirectly. We compared several metrics to estimate potential transient impacts on the ecosystem and found that there is a trade-off between the speed of an eradication and the intensity of increased disruptive ecological interactions. Together, our results can inform safe and efficient ecological practices for eradication with developing genetic engineering technology.