Identification of novel genes responsible for a pollen killer present in local natural populations of Arabidopsis thaliana

Identification of novel genes responsible for a pollen killer present in local natural populations of Arabidopsis thaliana

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Anthony Ricou, Matthieu Simon, et al.,  bioRxiv,  2024.

Certain genetic elements are qualified as selfish because they favor their transmission to the progeny during reproduction to the detriment of gametes that do not carry them. These elements are widespread in fungi as well as in plants or in animals, and they are made up of two or even three components, which are specific to each species. Therefore, they must be studied on a case-by-case basis. Moreover, understanding how they appear and propagate in local population remains a major issue in evolutionary biology. Here we have characterized, in the model plant Arabidopsis, the three genes involved in such an element, called a pollen killer. This pollen killer targets the mitochondria to cause the death of pollen grains that do not carry it. We investigated the three genes in several hundred genotypes collected worldwide, giving us a global view of their diversity at the species level. We also found that some French local populations contain both sensitive and killer plants, which constitutes an invaluable resource for studying the evolution of a pollen killer in the wild.