Influence of environmental conditions on mass rearing parameters of tsetse flies at the Bobo-Dioulasso insectary (Burkina Faso): retrospective study

Influence of environmental conditions on mass rearing parameters of tsetse flies at the Bobo-Dioulasso insectary (Burkina Faso): retrospective study

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K. S. M. Dera, B. A. Kaboré, S. Pagabeleguem, A. A. Ouedraogo, A. I. Toé, M. Ira, A. M. G. Belem and G. M. S. O. Sanou,  International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences,  17:1020-1032. 2023.

With the goal of eradicating tsetse flies and trypanosomiasis in Africa, several control methods have been developed. One of this is the biological control through the application of the sterile insect technique (SIT) as a part of an area-wide integrated pest management. This method required the mass production of sterile males with a high competitiveness. The success of the tsetse mass rearing is strongly linked to the rearing conditions. The objective of this study was to do a retrospective evaluation of the impact of ambient conditions on the production performances of Glossina palpalis gambiensis at Insectary of Bobo Dioulasso. Data of productivity, fecundity, adult emergence and environmental conditions (temperature and relative humidity) of the rearing rooms were recorded from March to June 2020 and were analysed. The results showed a reduction of the normal pupae produced and the increase of soft pupae during this period. In addition, the relative humidity has shown a significant positive correlation with the production of soft pupae, whereas it had a significant negative correlation with the number of pupae produced per female per 10 days. However, the temperature variation during the period of the data recording didn’t have any impact on the production parameters. Rearing rooms need a better management to avoid large variations in environmental parameters.