Integration of insect sterility and insecticides for control of Glossina morsitans morsitans Westwood (Diptera: Glossinidae) in Tanzania. IV. Application of endosulfan as an aerosol prior to release of sterile males

Integration of insect sterility and insecticides for control of Glossina morsitans morsitans Westwood (Diptera: Glossinidae) in Tanzania. IV. Application of endosulfan as an aerosol prior to release of sterile males

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D. L. Williamson, D. A. Dame, C. W. Lee, D. B. Gates and P. E. Cobb,  Bulletin of Entomological Research,  73:383-389. 1983.

As part of a programme to test the sterile insect technique against Glossina morsitans morsitans Westw. in Tanzania, two aerial applications of endosulfan were applied to a 195-km2 test area. The applications were made with a 28-day interval to provide an initial reduction in the target species prior to the release of sterile males. A Cessna 310 aircraft equipped with a rotary atomiser and operating at night was used to apply the insecticide at a dosage of about 20 g/ha. Flyround surveys within 48 h following the spraying operations indicated that a 100% reduction of G. m. morsitans adults was achieved in both applications, while G. pallidipes Aust. was reduced by 91 5% in the first and 100% in the second