Keys Mosquito Control Board Approves First U.S. Trial Of Genetically Modified Mosquitoes

N. Klingener,  WLRN,  2020.

The Florida Keys Mosquito Control Board approved a trial Tuesday of genetically modified mosquitoes on the island chain.

This would be the first U.S. trial of the genetically modified Aedes aegypti mosquito, which can transmit diseases like Zika and dengue.

The trial won’t take place until next year and the exact site of the release has not been chosen.

The board heard hours of testimony from people in the Keys, and around the country, both supporting and opposing the trial.

Ashley Johnson of Grassy Key was one of the supporters.

“Number one, I want my kids to be safe and mosquitoes are large carriers of diseases,” she said. “This is a better alternative for us and the environment than insecticides sprayed frequently, which we already do. Science shows it is for the greater good and there is no harm to humans or the environment. We are simply running away from the term genetically modified that has been villainized.”


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