Population genetics of modifiers of meiotic drive.3. Equilibrium analysis of a gneral model for genetic control of segregation distortion

Population genetics of modifiers of meiotic drive.3. Equilibrium analysis of a gneral model for genetic control of segregation distortion

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Thomson, GJF, M. W.,  Theoretical Population Biology,  10:8-25. 1976.

Prout, Bungaard and Bryant (1973, Theor. Popul. Biol. 4, 446–465) presented the first formal treatment of a model of meiotic drive involving a modifier locus which controls the intensity of drive. They studied the equilibrium behavior in the simplest model where it is assumed that drive is maximal when not suppressed. In that case there is one polymorphic equilibrium at which there is linkage disequilibrium. The equilibrium solutions in the general model of meiotic drive proposed by Prout, et al. are given in this paper together with a stability analysis. It is shown that up to three polymorphic equilibria may exist, two of which are in linkage disequilibrium and one in linkage equilibrium. These equilibria exhibit behavior qualitatively opposite to what is widely accepted as the usual for two locus systems and which is not seem in the simple case originally treated. The polymorphic equilibria with linkage disequilibrium may be stable for loose linkage and not for tight while that with linkage equilibrium is stable in an interval of relatively tight linkage values.