The impact of releasing sterile mosquitoes on malaria transmission

The impact of releasing sterile mosquitoes on malaria transmission

Hongyan, YC, Yang; Xin'an, Zhang; Jia, Li,  Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems - B,  23:3837-3853. 2018.

The sterile mosquitoes technique in which sterile mosquitoes are released to reduce or eradicate the wild mosquito population has been used in preventing the malaria transmission. To study the impact of releasing sterile mosquitoes on the malaria transmission, we first formulate a simple SEIR (susceptible-exposed-infected-recovered) malaria transmission model as our baseline model, derive a formula for the reproductive number of infection, and determine the existence of endemic equilibria. We then include sterile mosquitoes in the baseline model and consider the case of constant releases of sterile mosquitoes. We examine how the releases affect the reproductive numbers and endemic equilibria for the model with interactive mosquitoes and investigate the impact of releasing sterile mosquitoes on the malaria transmission.