Effects of gamma radiation on the vector competence of Aedes aegypti (diptera: Culicidae) to transmit Zika virus
Effects of gamma radiation on the vector competence of Aedes aegypti (diptera: Culicidae) to transmit Zika virus
Tags: Aedes, Sterile insect technique (SIT)E. B. da Silva, C. M. de Mendonça, D. R. D. Guedes, M. H. S. Paiva, J. d. A. Mendonça, E. S. F. Dias, S. G. L. Florêncio, A. Amaral, A. M. Netto, C. F. J. A. Lopes and M. A. V. de Melo-Santos, Acta Tropica, 239:106831. 2023.
One of the limitations of the Sterile Insect Technique (SIT), conventionally performed by ionizing radiation, regards separating males from females, which is not 100% effective. Some irradiated females may be released together with males in the field at SIT. The present study aimed to evaluate the influence of ionizing radiation on the ability of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes to transmit the Zika virus after exposing female pupae to a 40 Gy of gamma radiation. The results suggest that the genetic damage induced by exposure of females to this dose level promotes their total sterility, but it does not influence their vector competence. However, our data point out that ionizing radiation may decrease the proportion of infective mosquitoes.