Ecological Relationships of Mosquito Disease Vectors: Anticipating Risk Assessment of Gene Drive Technologies

Stephanie James, Hector Quemada and David O'Brochta,  GeneConvene Global Collaborative,  2021.

GeneConvene Global Collaborative

Webinar Series:

Ecological Relationships of Mosquito Disease Vectors:

Anticipating Risk Assessment of Gene Drive Technologies

GeneConvene Global Collaborative Logo

April 21, 28, May 5, 12, 19 
11 am- 12:30pm
(Washington, D.C.)

An often-raised concern for the development of genetically modified mosquito technologies, particularly those involving gene drive, as tools to prevent disease transmission is the limitation of our understanding of the roles these species may play within the ecosystem. This series of webinars begins to explore what is known about the ecological relationships of mosquito vectors with regard to major types of species interactions. The speakers also will describe some of the methods by which potential interactions that may impact human or animal health and the environment can be examined in the context of case-by-case risk assessment and safety testing.
Each seminar will consist of two 30-minutes presentation followed by questions and answers.

There will be 2 speakers per meeting.  Each will speak for 30 minutes followed by a joint question and answer session.

Not a convenient time?  Each webinar will be recorded and promptly posted on the GeneConvene Virtual Institute,


April 21, 2021

Theme:  Interspecific competition

Competition, coexistence, and exclusion among Aedes mosquitoes: insights from ecological theory.

Speaker: Steven Juliano, Ph.D. Illinois State University

A systematic review assessing the potential for release of vector species from competition following insecticide-based population suppression of Anopheles species in Africa

Speaker: John Connolly, Ph.D. Imperial College London

April 28, 2021

Theme:  Non-target effects and predator/competitor interactions

Understanding the risks vs benefits of classical biological control programs for crop pests: Case studies from Africa

Speaker: Ivan Rwomushana, Ph.D. CABI, Nairobi, Kenya

What does eat an Anopheles ? Potential ecosystem effects of focused species reductions.

Speaker: Tilly Collins, Ph.D. Imperial College London

May 5, 2021

Theme:  Symbiosis and mutualism

Mosquito-microbe interactions: are there implications for gene drives?.

Speaker: Nsa Dada,, Ph.D. Mosquito Microbiome Consortium

Pollination of plants by mosquitoes: Do some plants depend on disease vectors to transfer their pollen?

Speaker: Woody Foster, Ph.D. Ohio State University

May 12, 2021

Theme:  Hybridization and gene flow among African Anopheles species

How likely is Anopheles hybridization and introgression?

Speaker: Nora Besansky, Ph.D. Notre Dame University

Assessing the impact of landscape features on gene flow of malaria mosquitoes in Kenya.

Speaker: Guiyun Yan, Ph.D. University of California, Irvine

May 19 2021

Theme: Parasitism and vector competence

Laboratory methods to study mosquito infections with pathogens.

Speaker: Stephen Higgs, Ph.D. Kansas State University

Relative potential for harm of pathogens vectored by Anopheles gambiae s.l.

Speaker: Geoff Hosack, Ph.D. CSIRO