Genetic Technologies for Sustainable Management of Insect Pests and Disease Vectors
Genetic Technologies for Sustainable Management of Insect Pests and Disease Vectors
Tags: CRISPR, Gene drive synthetic, Genetic biocontrolS. Grilli, R. Galizi and C. Taxiarchi, Sustainability, 13. 2021.
Recent advancements in genetic and genome editing research, augmented by the discovery of new molecular tools such as CRISPR, have revolutionised the field of genetic engineering by enabling precise site-specific genome modifications with unprecedented ease. These technologies have found a vast range of applications, including the development of novel methods for the control of vector and pest insects. According to their genetic makeup and engineering, these tools can be tuned to impose different grades of impact on the targeted populations. Here, we review some of the most recent genetic control innovations under development, describing their molecular mechanisms and performance, highlighting the sustainability potentials of such interventions.
Concept and history of genetic control
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