Guidance for contained field trials of vector mosquitoes engineered to contain a gene drive system: Recommendations of a scientific working group

Guidance for contained field trials of vector mosquitoes engineered to contain a gene drive system: Recommendations of a scientific working group

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Benedict, MDA, P.; Dobson, S.; Gottlieb, M.; Harrington, L.; Higgs, S.; James, A.; James, S.; Knols, B.; Lavery, J.; O'Neill, S.; Scott, T.; Takken, W.; Toure, Y.; Core Working Grp Guidance, Containe,  Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases,  8:127-166. 2008.

The following recommendations represent the response of a group of involved scientists to the need for guidance to aid researchers, government authorities, and community leaders as they consider the design and implementation of field trials to assess the safety and efficacy of genetic strategies for reducing the transmission of diseases by mosquito vectors. Guidance is provided for contained (caged) field trials of genetically-engineered (GE) vector mosquitoes that are fertile and contain novel genetic constructs designed to spread through natural mosquito populations (“gene drive systems”). An effort is made to raise the practical issues that must be considered in advance of such testing, provide generalized recommendations based on currently available information, and identify “points to consider” regarding additional information that may be required in order to make informed decisions on a case-by-case basis. This guidance is intended to clarify the pathway for further assessment of the potential utility of such GE mosquitoes as a tool for the improvement of public health in disease-endemic regions.