Population replacement in Culex-fatigans by means of cytoplasmic incompatibility .2. Field cage experiments with overlapping generations
Population replacement in Culex-fatigans by means of cytoplasmic incompatibility .2. Field cage experiments with overlapping generations
Tags: Culex, Cytoplasmic incompatibility, WolbachiaC. F. Curtis, Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 53:107-119. 1976.
Three experiments were carried out in field cages to test the principle of ” transport” of a desirable gene or chromosome into a wild Culex fatigans population as a result of the sterility in cross-matings associated with cytoplasmic incompatibility. Cycling populations of Delhi origin were established in the cages and daily releases were made of the IS31B strain, which has Paris cytoplasm and carries a male-linked translocation. It was shown that, if sufficient releases were made to establish a majority of the Paris cytoplasmic type, complete replacement by this cytoplasmic type subsequently occurred. However, as a result of partial compatibility of males of the Delhi population with Paris females, ” recombinant ” males with Paris cytoplasm and no translocation were produced. In an experiment in which a continuous low rate of ” immigration ” of a strain of Delhi origin was simulated, a gradual increase of the Paris cytoplasm non-translocated type occurred, and renewed IS31B releases were necessary after 5 months to restore the predominance of this type. The results are compared with computer predictions and discussed in relation to the transport of genes for filaria refractoriness or chromosome translocations into wild populations.