Selection and segregation distortion in a sex-differentiated population

Selection and segregation distortion in a sex-differentiated population

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Weissing, FJvB, M.,  Theoretical Population Biology,  60:327-341. 2001.

We extend the classical model for selection at an autosomal locus in a sex-differentiated population to include segregation distortion. The equations remain the same, but the fitness parameters are interpreted differently and refer to alleles instead of genotypes. We derive conditions for internal and external stability of the equilibria, i.e., stability with respect to perturbations of alleles that are already present at equilibrium and stability with respect to invasion attempts by newly arising alleles. We show that, in a sex-differentiated population, external stability of an equilibrium can be judged on the basis of Shaw-Mohler criteria. Throughout, we compare the situation in populations with and without sex differentiation. Interestingly, internal stability is more difficult to achieve in a population without sex differentiation than in a population in which selection and segregation distortion are restricted to one sex. In a companion paper we show how the general results of the present paper can lead to new insights into specific systems such as the t complex of the house mouse. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science.