Regulation and Policy - Media

Biotechnology and Biosafety in the Biodiversity Convention and its Protocols

GeneConvene Global Collaborative,  2022.
Dr. Piet van der Meer provides a clear exposition of the history of the Convention on Biological Diversity and puts in the the broader context of the development of biotechnology beginning with the first recombinant DNA containing organisms in 1972. He also describes and ...

Regional Development of Regulatory Policies on Gene Drives and Risk Assessment

GeneConvene Virtual Institute,  2020.
In this Webinar Dr. Martin Lema discusses how well biosafety regulatory frameworks in Latin America can accommodate new genetic technologies such as Gene Drive.

Overview of Regulatory Frameworks Covering Gene Drives Oct 21 2020

GeneConvene Virtual Institute,  2020.
These are two webinars presented around the topic of an Overview of Regulatory Frameworks Covering Gene Drives. The presenters were Ms. Wadzi Mandivenyi from the Convention on Biological Diversity and Dr. Marion Law from the World Health Organization. These presentations were ...