Applications of genetic technology to mosquito rearing

Applications of genetic technology to mosquito rearing

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G. B. Craig,  Bulletin of the World Health Organization,  29:89-97. 1963.

Since the development of insecticide-resistance and the consequent partial failure of the chemical approach to the control of disease vectors, interest in the biological approach has re-awakened. An aspect of the latter approach that is of great current interest is ” autocidal control “-that is, the use of insects for their own destruction. This paper discusses the various ways in which genetic mechanisms can be used to bring about the destruction of harmful insects, with special reference to those of medical importance. The author considers that the prospects for the genetic control of vector species are good, but stresses that before genetic methods can be applied on a field scale certain requirements must be met. For example, genetic technology must be expanded, a firm background of genetic knowledge of vector species must be built up, a great deal more information about vector ecology, particularly population dynamics, must be acquired, and techniques for the mass production of vector insects under controlled conditions must be developed.