Competition between segregation distorters: Coexistence of ”superior” and ”inferior” haplotypes at the t complex
Competition between segregation distorters: Coexistence of ”superior” and ”inferior” haplotypes at the t complex
Tags: Evolution, Fruit fly, Gene drive mechanisms, Rodents, Transmission distortionvanBoven, MW, F. J.; Heg, D.; Huisman, J., Evolution, 50:2488-2498. 1996.
By means of population genetical models, we investigate the competition between sex-specific segregation distorters. Although the models are quite general, they are motivated by a specific example, the t complex of the house mouse. Some variants at this gene complex, the t haplotypes. distort Mendelian segregation in heterozygous males in their favor. The selective advantage at the gamete level is counterbalanced by strong negative fitness effects at the individual level (male sterility or even lethality in both sexes). A plethora of different t haplotypes has been found, both in the field and in the lab. Up to now, however, models have focused on the equilibrium frequency of a single t haplotype. In contrast, we explicitly model the competition between several t haplotypes, A deterministic model for a large, well-mixed population predicts a surprisingly high degree of polymorphism. Haplotypes with seemingly inferior fitness characteristics may easily coexist with ”superior” haplotypes. For instance, a lethal haplotype with a low segregation ratio may stably coexist with a sterile haplotype with a high segregation ratio, Stable coexistence is even possible for haplotypes with a segregation disadvantage. A simple stochastic model shows that the same principles apply in the context of a structured metapopulation. Although counterintuitive at first sight, all our results can be explained by the fact that segregation distorters have an inherent advantage when they are rare. We conclude that fitness comparisons are not sufficient to predict the outcome of competition when selective forces are acting at different levels.