Gene Drives and new genetic manipulation in agriculture
Gene Drives and new genetic manipulation in agriculture
Tags: Ethics, Gene drive synthetic, Risk and safetyTerra de Direitos, 2019.
Gene drives are forms of genetic editing or manipulation of live organisms. They are the most dangerous forms of transgenics which edit genetic characteristics without necessarily including a new gene, but rather manipulating existing genes of live organisms, i.e. live organism genetic information microsurgery.
The technique uses enzymes which “cut and paste” (such as CrisPR/Cas9) genes of organisms that reproduce sexually – such as plants like maize and mosquitoes – without necessarily introducing genes from other organisms or synthetic genes.
Produced by the National Agroecology Articulation (ANA) Biodiversity Working Group, a body that congregates different social organizations and movements, the video seeks to explain in an educational way how this new biotechnology is looming as a threat to the environment, agricultural biodiversity and society.