Gene Drives: A Powerful and Controversial Genetic Technology
Tags: Arbovirus, Genetic engineering, Invasive speciesBiomedical and Life Sciences Simplified, YouTube, 2024.
World Mosquito Day: Gene Drives and CRISPR Technology
Tags: CRISPR, Gene drive, MalariaPublic Health On Call, YouTube, 2024.
Djibouti Unleashes Controversial Genetically Modified Mosquitoes
Tags: Gene editing, Mosquitoes, Self limitingPalki Sharma, Firstpost, 2024.
How to Use Genetic Biocontrol to Manage Insect Pests
Tags: Genetic biocontrol, Mosquitoes, Pest management, VideoScientific Animations Without Borders, YouTube, 2024.
High-Stakes Decision Making for World-Changing Technologies
Tags: MalariaTEDx Talks, YouTube, 2024.
Flight Against Infections: The Role of Genetically Engineered Mosquitoes, with Dr. Stephanie James
Tags: Dengue, Gene drive, Genetically modified mosquitoes, Malaria, Mosquitoes, Risk assessmentEeKs on Health, YouTube, 2024.
Mosquito Control releases over 100K sterile male mosquitos to combat Aedes aegypti population
Tags: Aedes, Mosquitoes, North America, Sterile insect technique (SIT)NBC2 News, YouTube, 2024.
“Mozzie Drive” Card Game rules
Tags: Gene drive, Target malariaKatie Willis, Ace North, Target Malaria, 2024.
SPOTLIGHT: Gene Drives for Malaria Elimination in Africa
Tags: Africa, Gene drive, Malaria, VideoIfakara Health Institute, YouTube, 2024.
Scientists create first transgenic mosquito strain in Africa
Tags: Africa, Malaria, MosquitoesCGTN Africa, YouTube, 2024.
Gene Drives: Mechanisms and Key Research, Explained
Tags: CRISPR, Gene drive, VideoJulia Bauman, 60 Second Science, 2024.
Off Target: Gene Drives and the Balance of Life
Tags: Gene drive, Gene drive synthetic, Risk assessment, Stakeholder engagementSave Our Seeds, 2023.
Ethical dilemma: Should we get rid of mosquitoes?
Tags: Ethics, Gene drive, Governance, Population modification/replacement, Population suppression, Target malariaTalya Hackett, TED-Ed, 2023.
Discovery of 119-Million year old Selfish Genes Casts Doubt on Established Evolution Beliefs
Tags: Evolution, Gene drive, Gene drive synthetic, Selfish genetic elements, Transmission distortion, Yeast and FungiStowers Institute for Medical Research, Stowers Institute for Medical Research, 2022.
Inside the Plan to Release Life-Saving Mosquitoes
Tags: Genetically modified mosquitoes, North America, Oxitec, Sterile insect technique (SIT)WIRED, WIRED, 2022.
In Real Life: GMOsquitoes
Tags: Aedes, Genetic biocontrol, Genetically modified mosquitoes, North America, Oxitec, Sterile insect technique (SIT)Newsy, Newsy, 2021.
Why do you think a gene drive approach could help with malaria and dengue?
Tags: Dengue, Gene drive, Gene drive synthetic, MalariaOutreach Network for Gene Drive Research, Outreach Network for Gene Drive Research, 2021.
How do local communities participate in gene drive research?
Tags: Gene drive, Governance, Stakeholder engagement, VideoOutreach Network for Gene Drive Research, Outreach Network for Gene Drive Research, 2021.
Exploring Gene Drive Technologies in Agriculture, Biodiversity and Human Disease
Tags: Biodiversity/Conservation, Ethics, Gene drive synthetic, Mosquitoes, Policy, Population modification/replacement, Population suppression, Regulation, Risk and safety, Stakeholder engagementThe GBIRd Partnership and The GeneConvene Global Collaborative, Gene Drive Research Forum, 2021.
Risks of releasing gene drives mosquitoes – a possible future scenario
Tags: Gene drive synthetic, Policy, Population modification/replacement, Population suppression, Regulation, Risk and safetyTestbiotech, Testbiotech, 2020.