Hybrid mosquitoes? Evidence from rural Tanzania on how local communities conceptualize and respond to modified mosquitoes as a tool for malaria control

Hybrid mosquitoes? Evidence from rural Tanzania on how local communities conceptualize and respond to modified mosquitoes as a tool for malaria control

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M. F. Finda, F. O. Okumu, E. Minja, R. Njalambaha, W. Mponzi, B. B. Tarimo, P. Chaki, J. Lezaun, A. H. Kelly and N. Christofides,  Malaria Journal,  20:134. 2021.

Background: Different forms of mosquito modifications are being considered as potential high-impact and low-cost  tools for future malaria control in Africa. Although still under evaluation, the eventual success of these technologies  will require high-level public acceptance. Understanding prevailing community perceptions of mosquito modification  is, therefore, crucial for effective design and implementation of these interventions. This study investigated  community perceptions regarding genetically-modified mosquitoes (GMMs) and their potential for malaria control in  Tanzanian villages where no research or campaign for such technologies has yet been undertaken.  Methods: A mixed-methods design was used, involving: (i) focus group discussions (FGD) with community leaders  to get insights on how they frame and would respond to GMMs, and (ii) structured questionnaires administered to  490 community members to assess awareness, perceptions and support for GMMs for malaria control. Descriptive  statistics were used to summarize the findings and thematic content analysis was used to identify key concepts and  interpret the findings.  Results: Nearly all survey respondents were unaware of mosquito modification technologies for malaria control  (94.3%), and reported no knowledge of their specific characteristics (97.3%). However, community leaders participating  in FGDs offered a set of distinctive interpretive frames to conceptualize interventions relying on GMMs for malaria  control. The participants commonly referenced their experiences of cross-breeding for selecting preferred traits in  domestic plants and animals. Preferred GMMs attributes included the expected reductions in insecticide use and  human labour. Population suppression approaches, requiring as few releases as possible, were favoured. Common  concerns included whether the GMMs would look or behave differently than wild mosquitoes, and how the technology  would be integrated into current malaria control policies. The participants emphasised the importance and the  challenge of educating and engaging communities during the technology development.  Conclusions: Understanding how communities perceive and interpret novel technologies is crucial to the design  and effective implementation of new vector control programmes. This study offers vital clues on how communities  with no prior experience of modified mosquitoes might conceptualize or respond to such technologies when  deployed in the context of malaria control programmes. Drawing upon existing interpretive frames and locally-resonant analogies when deploying such technologies may provide a basis for more durable public support in the future.