First-ever US release of genetically modified mosquitoes begins in Florida Keys

First-ever US release of genetically modified mosquitoes begins in Florida Keys

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S. LaMotte,  CNN,  2021.

The first release of genetically modified mosquitoes in the United States began this week in the Florida Keys — the culmination of a decade-long effort by local mosquito control authorities to see if a genetically modified organism is a viable alternative to spraying insecticides in the region.For the first 12-week phase, blue-and-white boxes containing about 12,000 GMO eggs developed by a US-owned, British-based company called Oxitec have been placed in six small areas of Ramrod Key, Cudjoe Key and Vaca Key. When water is added, the mosquitoes hatch, mature and enter the environment over the next week or so. A small, vocal group of Florida Key residents have fought the release of what they call “mutant mosquitoes” since the project was announced — and they are incensed. “Our opposition has been long and strong,” said Barry Wray, the executive director of the Florida Keys Environmental Coalition. “We live here, this our home, and they’re forcing this down people’s throats.” “The only thing you can do legally at this point is stand in your yard with an insect fogger,” said Mara Daly, a resident of Key Largo, Florida, who has fought the release for eight years. “You can’t touch a box, but you can fog the s**t out of your own yard if you don’t want to be a part of the trial.”