US Gene Drive Governance: A Special Feature in Health Security
US Gene Drive Governance: A Special Feature in Health Security
Tags: Gene drive synthetic, Governance, RegulationL. Warmbrod, A. Kobokovich, R. West, G. K. Gronvall and M. Montague, Health Security, 19:131-132. 2021.
Call for Papers:
In recent years, emerging biotechnologies, such as gene drives and genetically self-limiting sterile insects, have been transitioning from theoretical possibilities to application-ready products. These biotechnologies have profound implications for vectorborne disease control in the near term and for potentially a much wider set of applications—such as agricultural pest control and control of invasive species—in the future. New biotechnology-driven methods offer unprecedented levels of fine control over past interventions, such as irradiation-mediated sterile insect techniques or coordinated pesticide applications, that had some success. Gene drives and other emerging biotechnologies offer the potential to not just manage pest populations but induce enduring genetic changes and corresponding biological properties in wild populations.
The novel potential of gene drives and related genetic pest control measures highlights a gap in the oversight of products using such technologies in the United States. The US Coordinated Framework for Regulation of Biotechnology, as applied by US Environmental Protection Agency, the US Food and Drug Administration, and US Department of Agriculture, may not fully encompass modern synthetic biology techniques that have significantly expanded the scope of genetic modification technology applications.
This special feature in Health Security will be devoted to exploration of methods, programs, policies, and systems as well as ongoing and future research and policy efforts that focus on maximizing the potential for optimal oversight of the use of gene drives or similar products in a US context. The journal seeks scholarly papers that address the wide range of policy, practice, and research issues relevant to this topic. Additionally, narrative or conceptual reviews of specific US policies related to gene drives and related emergent biotechnologies are welcome.
Paper topics might include:
Scoping the need for further US oversight measures or regulation of gene drives, all genetic pest control methods, and related biotechnological methods such as biological pest control
A review of the US relationship with the Cartagena protocol and similar treaties as they apply to gene drives and similar technologies
The proper location and funding in the US regulatory structure for gene drive and related emerging biotechnology monitoring and oversight
The role of nongovernment organizations regarding gene drives and other emergent biotechnologies
The role of state and local regulations
Public engagement and identification of stakeholders regarding gene drives and similar biotechnologies
The need for technical documentation and coordination between multiple parties intervening in the same geographic region or pest species