Will freeing ourselves (forever) from mosquitoes soon be a realizable “dream”? Pros and cons of an epochal turning point – breaking latest news

Will freeing ourselves (forever) from mosquitoes soon be a realizable “dream”? Pros and cons of an epochal turning point – breaking latest news

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Annonymous,  Breaking Latest News,  2021.

Also true for a dangerous insect like the mosquito: due to the pathologies of which vector, such as the malaria, the dengue o la yellow fever, every year in the world about 800 thousand people die. There are therefore quite a few reasons to want to get rid of it, not just the itchy summer bites, and thanks to the technique developed by Professor Crisanti it would seem possible, in a not too distant future. It starts from a premise: Not that we want to get rid of all mosquitoes. There are around 3,500 species of mosquitoes and fortunately only a few transmit parasitic diseases such as malaria or others that cause diseases such as zika and dengue. So if I want to get rid of malaria I have to attack malaria. Traditionally this has been done with insecticides which have shown all their limits and dangers. These measures, which are apparently simple, require sustainability over time, require resources and political continuity. All this is missing today. Hence biotechnology, the idea of ​​making mosquitoes themselves do this job. If we manage to modify the genetic characteristics of mosquitoes, we can theoretically create mosquitoes that do not reproduce or that do not transmit the infection.