Cost-effectiveness of Precision Guided SIT for Control of Anopheles gambiae in the Upper River Region, The Gambia
Cost-effectiveness of Precision Guided SIT for Control of Anopheles gambiae in the Upper River Region, The Gambia
Tags: Anopheles, Genetic biocontrol, Genetically modified mosquitoes, Malaria, Sterile insect technique (SIT)G. William, R. Robyn, M. Agastya, M. S. C. Hector, S. Andrea, Z. David, G. I. Patrick, D. Umberto, Alessandro, M. M. John and A. Omar, bioRxiv, 2023.07.20.549762. 2023.
Precision-guided sterile insect technique (pgSIT) is an extremely promising vector control intervention that can reduce and potentially eliminate the unacceptable malaria burden, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. Here we explore the cost effectiveness of using this approach in Africa using mathematical modeling and economical analysis. The pgSIT treatment of the URR (~2069 km2 ) is predicted to prevent approximately 230 deaths and over 48,000 sick days per year. This estimate is based on a model for localized extinction of A. gambiae, reaching full epidemiological impact by the third year. There are multiple ways to calculate the value of this intervention monetarily, from the value of statistical life (VSL) to quality adjusted life years (QALY), which ranges from 334 million to 784 million USD saved in the first ten years of the facility being active. Other metrics such as willingness-to-pay (WTP), estimates the willingness of locals to contribute to malaria prevention financially, and estimates based on gross domestic product (GDP) growth predict this model to save either 47 million or 551 million USD, respectively, in the first ten years of intervention. This model assumes localized extinction of A. gambiae by the second year of intervention with repeated releases to maintain extinction despite seasonal mosquito migration from beyond thetreatment area. Localized extinction, however, is expected to have a year-to-year suppression effect making it easier to suppress mosquito populations with reduced sterile male releases in subsequent years. It is, therefore, likely an underestimate of the costs and benefits of pgSIT sterile male releases. In later years, the release of sterile males from this facility could be redirected to new areas to expand the suppression region. Additionally, this facility would have a significant off-season where the facility is not producing sterile male A. gambiae. This off-season could, therefore, produce sterile males to suppress A. gambiae populations in other regions with seasonal malaria during the off-season in The Gambiae. It could even be used to mass produce pgSIT sterile males for other mosquito species, such as the dengue vector, Aedes aegypti, which have eggs that can be stored for many months and consequently can be stockpiled to aid in the suppression of dengue outbreaks, which are also common in the area. Initially, however, the off-season can be used to build local capacity for genetically engineered (GE) mosquitos, which would consist of training staff, optimizing procedures, and troubleshooting any issues that arose during the higher production phases.