Mosquito gene targeted RNAi studies for vector control

Mosquito gene targeted RNAi studies for vector control

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M. Yadav, N. Dahiya and N. Sehrawat,  Functional and Integrative Genomics,  23:180. 2023.

Vector-borne diseases are serious public health concern. Mosquito is one of the major vectors responsible for the transmission of a number of diseases like malaria, Zika, chikungunya, dengue, West Nile fever, Japanese encephalitis, St. Louis encephalitis, and yellow fever. Various strategies have been used for mosquito control, but the breeding potential of mosquitoes is such tremendous that most of the strategies failed to control the mosquito population. In 2020, outbreaks of dengue, yellow fever, and Japanese encephalitis have occurred worldwide. Continuous insecticide use resulted in strong resistance and disturbed the ecosystem. RNA interference is one of the strategies opted for mosquito control. There are a number of mosquito genes whose inhibition affected mosquito survival and reproduction. Such kind of genes could be used as bioinsecticides for vector control without disturbing the natural ecosystem. Several studies have targeted mosquito genes at different developmental stages by the RNAi mechanism and result in vector control. In the present review, we included RNAi studies conducted for vector control by targeting mosquito genes at different developmental stages using different delivery methods. The review could help the researcher to find out novel genes of mosquitoes for vector control.