Population replacement in Culex fatigens by means of cytoplasmic incompatibility. Laboratory experiments with non-overlapping generations
Population replacement in Culex fatigens by means of cytoplasmic incompatibility. Laboratory experiments with non-overlapping generations
Tags: Culex, Cytoplasmic incompatibility, Gene drive, Gene drive mechanisms, History, Malaria, Population modification/replacementC. F. Curtis and T. Adak, Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 51:249-255. 1974.
Bidirectional cytoplasmic incompatibility in the Culex pipiens complex appears to provide a mechanism for the replacement of a wild population by a strain refractory to filaria or a strain made partly sterile by a translocation. As a preliminary test of the feasibility of the replacement process, various ratios of strains with the cytoplasm of either Delhi or Paris, which are bidirectionally incompatible, were tested in laboratory cages. Where one strain was marked with the ruby-eye gene, this strain always declined in frequency in the next generation. In experiments in which the Paris strain was marked with a male-linked translocation complex, after 2-4 generations of breeding there was complete elimination of either the Paris or the Delhi type depending, as expected, on the relative frequencies of the two types with which the population began. In one experiment a type with Paris cytoplasm devoid of the translocation was found. This type increased in frequency in succeeding generations. The possible causes of origin of this type and its relevance to the practical use of the replacement principle are discussed.