Ethics and vector-borne diseases

Ethics and vector-borne diseases

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Geneva: World Health Organization,  WHO Guidance,  2020.

Vector-borne diseases (VBDs) are a major contributor to global morbidity and mortality and have a disproportionate impact on the world’s poorest populations. However, despite the growing burden and threat of VBDs to individuals, families and societies, the significant ethical issues raised by VBDs have received only limited attention. Recognizing this gap, WHO developed this guidance to help programs and staff working in VBD prevention and control identify and respond to the core ethical issues at stake.

The guidance was developed by an international group of experts in vector control, infectious disease ethics, maternal and child health, ecology and climate change, research and vaccine development, and public health communication. It examines a broad range of ethical considerations related to VBD prevention and control, including the social and environmental determinants of health; vector control methods, including emerging technologies; screening, surveillance and research; vaccine campaigns; and mass drug administration. Grounded in a multidisciplinary framework, the guidance emphasizes the critical role of community engagement in designing and implementing an appropriate, sustainable public health response.