Gene Drive Webinars -ENSSER, CSS, VDW and SC

Gene Drive Webinars -ENSSER, CSS, VDW and SC

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European Network of Scientists for Social and Environmental Responsibility,  2020.

This series of 5 Webinars by some of the authors of the interdisciplinary Gene Drive Report (2019) and were  organised by four organisations of independent scientists: the European Network of Scientists for Social and Environmental Responsibility (ENSSER), Critical Scientists Switzerland (CSS), Vereinigung Deutscher Wissenschaftler (VDW), Sciences Citoyennes (SC).

The series was aimed at a lay audience and were intended to address these questions. Does it really work? Is it being applied? What problems do gene drives address? What side effects can they have? Who has an interest in this? Should we do it? Are gene drives regulated by law? Are they a wise solution to these problems? Who decides?

«What are gene drives? How do they work?» by Ricarda Steinbrecher  June 2, 2020

«Gene drives: What problems are they intended to solve and what are the risks?» by Mark Wells June 4, 2020

«Gene drives in a social context: promises, precaution & public engagement» by Tamara Lebrecht June 10, 2020

«Ethical Questions about Gene Drives» by Christopher Preston June 12, 2020

«Are governments keeping an eye on gene drives?» by Lim Li Ching June 16, 2020