Scholarly Literature

This is a database of scholarly literature that concentrates currently on natural and engineered selfish genetic elements (gene drives).  The latest are shown here.

The Genetic Basis of Transmission-Ratio Distortion and Male Sterility Due to the t Complex

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Lyon, MF,  American Naturalist,  137:349-358. 1991.
The abnormal transmission ratios observed in male mice heterozygous for a complete t haplotype have been shown by breeding studies to be due to three or more distorter genes acting on a responder gene. The action of the t form of the responder is relatively resistant to this ...

Meiotic drive against an autosomal supernumerary segment promoted by the presence of a B-chromosome in females of the grasshopper Eyprepocnemis plorans

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Lopezleon, MDC, J.; Camacho, J. P. M.,  Chromosoma,  100:282-287. 1991.
Twenty-seven out of 50 progeny analyses performed with specimens of the grasshopper Eyprepocnemis plorans were informative about the transmission of a supernumerary heterochromatic chromosome segment. The simultaneous presence of a B chromosome in some of the parents involved in ...

Sander,Larry – The father of meiotic drive

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Lindsley, DL,  American Naturalist,  137:283-286. 1991.
The symposium at which the following papers were presented was deprived of what surely would have been a major intellectual contribution by the sudden death of its co-organizer, Larry Sandler, in February 1987. Larry was a leading contributor to the study of segregation ...

Behavioral reduction in the transmission of deleterious t-haplotypes by wild house mice

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Lenington, SH, I. L.,  The American Naturalist,  137:366-378. 1991.
About 25% of wild house mice are heterozygous (+/t) for a variable recessive haplotype of the T locus. Although t haplotypes are highly deleterious when homozygous, they are maintained in wild mouse populations because they are associated with transmission-ratio distortion in ...

B-chromosome drive

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Jones, RN,  American Naturalist,  137:430-442. 1991.
The view of B-chromosome polymorphisms that is coming into favor resembles the so-called "parasitic" model, which was first advanced 45 yr ago. Since that time, repeated and ongoing efforts have been made to ascribe an adaptive role to B's (e.g., in terms of phenotypic advantage, ...

Molecular and chromosomal studies on the origin of t-haplotypes in mice

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Hammer, MF,  American Naturalist,  137:359-365. 1991.
Mouse t haplotypes are variant forms of the proximal third of chromosome 17 that enhance their representation in the gene pool by means of a male-specific transmission-ratio distortion. As with other systems of meiotic drive, they are maintained as independent genetic entities by ...

Tsetse fly eradication in Burkina Faso and evaluation of traps and targets

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M. Clair, D. Cuisance, H. Politzar, P. Merot and B. Bauer,  STERILE INSECT TECHNIQUE FOR TSETSE CONTROL AND ERADICATION,  1990.
Control operations against tsetse flies with the sterile insect technique (SIT) were conducted by the Centre de recherches sur les trypanosomoses animales (CRTA) (Institut d’élevage et de médecine vétérinaire des pays tropicaux/Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit ...

Sex-ratio meiotic drive in Drosophila testacea

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James, ACJ, J.,  Genetics,  126:651-656. 1990.
We document the occurrence of "sex ratio" meiotic drive in natural populations of Drosophila testacea. "Sex ratio" males sire greater than 95% female offspring. Genetic analysis reveals that this effect is due to a meiotically driven X chromosome, as in other species of ...

Evolution of the segregation ratio – Modification of gene conversion and meiotic drive

Bengtsson, BOU, M. K.,  Theoretical Population Biology,  38:192-218. 1990.
We compare the evolutionary pressures that direct the modification of gene conversion and meiotic drive at loci subject to purifying and overdominant viability selection. Gene conversion differs from meiotic drive in that modifers do not affect their own segregation ratios, even ...

Meiotic drive in female mice heterozygous for the HSR inserts on Chromosome-1

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Agulnik, SIA, A. I.; Ruvinsky, A. O.,  Genetical Research,  55:97-100. 1990.
Chromosome 1 with one or two long insertions has been previously found in natural mouse populations. The inheritance of chromosome 1 with two insertions from the Yakutsk population is analysed in this paper. It was demonstrated that heterozygous females transmit this chromosome ...

Meiotic drive of the aberrant Chromosome-1 in the house mouse

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Agulnik, SIA, A. I.; Ruvinsky, A. O.,  Genetika,  26:664-669. 1990.
Animals with aberrant chromosome 1 carrying one or two large insertions were earlier described in natural populations of Mus musculus. In the present work, inheritance of the aberrant chromosome 1 from the Yakutsk population was investigated. It was shown that 80-85% of the ...

Rapid spread of transposable P elements in experimental populations of Drosophila melanogaster.

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A. G. Good, G. A. Meister, H. W. Brock, T. A. Grigliatti and D. A. Hickey,  Genetics,  1223:387-396. 1989.
The invasion of P elements in natural populations of Drosophila melanogaster was modeled by establishing laboratory populations with 1 %, 5% and 10% P genomes and monitoring the populations for 20 generations. In one experiment, the ability of flies to either induce or suppress ...

Genetics-driving genes and chromosomes

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Charlesworth, B,  Nature,  332:394-395. 1988.
Thereare several genetic and chromosomal systems in which Mendel's first law - the equal probability of transmission of maternal and paternal alternative alleles or homologues - is violated. This phenomenon was named 'meiotic drive' in 1957 by Sandler and Novitski, who drew ...

Methods for replacement of malaria vector populations

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Curtis, CFG, P. M.,  American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene,  91:43-48. 1988.
The prospects are reviewed of replacement of malaria vector populations by harmless mosquito populations by means of: (i) ecologically competitive non-vector species; (ii) natural selection due to the harmfulness of being infected; (iii) selection for insecticide resistance ...

Thte genetic basis of resistance and sensitivity to the meiotic drive gene D in the mosquito Aedes aegypti L.

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Wood, RJO, N. A.,  Genetica,  72:69-79. 1987.
A study has been made on the genetic basis of meiotic drive at the Distorter (D) locus which, in coupling with the male-determining gene (or region) M on the Y chromosome, causes production of excess male progeny. Its effect is regulated by the sensitivity/resistance of the X ...

Abnormal salivary gland puff associated with meiotic drive in mosquitos (Diptera, Culicidae)

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Sweeny, TLG, P.; Barr, A. R.,  Journal of Medical Entomology,  24:623-627. 1987.
A meiotic drive factor, distorter (d), has been described previously for Culex pipiens L. mosquitoes. Males homozygous for the gene (Md/md) produce few female offspring owing to breakage of the female-determining dyad of chromosome 1 (the sex chromosome) during the first meiotic ...

Control of meiotic drive of B-chromosomes in the mealybug, Pseudococcus affinis (obscurus)

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Nur, UB, B. L. H.,  Genetics,  115:499-510. 1987.
Isofemale lines of Pseudococcus affznis (MASKELL) differ in their ability to maintain B chromosomes (Bs) due to the presence of genotypes that affect the rate of transmission (k) of the Bs. The nature of these genotypes was analyzed by comparing ks of males carrying the same B ...

X-4 Translocation and meiotic drive in Drosophila melanogaster males: Role of sex chromosome pairing

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McKee, B,  Genetics,  116:409-413. 1987.
Males carrying certain X-4 translocations exhibit strongly skewed sperm recovery ratios. The Xp4D half of the translocation disjoins regularly from the Y chromosome and the 4‘XD half disjoins regularly from the normal 4. Yet the smaller member of each bivalent is recovered in ...

Meiotic drive in the sex-chromosome system of the varying lemming, Dicrostonyx torquatus Pall (Rodentia, Microtinae)

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Gileva, EA,  Heredity,  59:383-389. 1987.
In the varying lemming, numerous fertile XY females occur regularly due to the X-linked mutation (X*). Their frequency both in natural populations and laboratory colonies turned out to be about twice higher than that expected under random segregation of heterochromosomes in both ...

The eradication of Glossina-palpalis-palpalis (Robineau-Desvoidy) (diptera, Glossinidae) using traps, insecticide-impregnated targets and the sterile insect technique in central Nigeria

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W. Takken, M. A. Oladunmade, L. Dengwat, H. U. Feldmann, J. A. Onah, S. O. Tenabe and H. J. Hamann,  Bulletin of Entomological Research,  76:275-286. 1986.
The integrated use of biconical traps, insecticide-impregnated targets and the sterile insect technique was developed for the eradication of Glossina palpalis palpalis (Robineau-Desvoidy) in a 1500-km2 area of central Nigeria. Six weeks or more of continuous removal trapping, ...

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