Keywords: Risk assessment
What if GM mosquitoes could help limit the tiger mosquito population?
Tags: Genetically modified mosquitoes, Other arthropods, Risk assessmentAnonymous, All News Press, 2024.
What if the fight against the tiger mosquito, this invasive species originating from Southeast Asia and established in France for about twenty years, was not totally lost in advance? The exploratory project of Éric Marois, research officer Inserm, within the Institute of ...
CBD/SBSTTA/26/5/Add.1 Additional voluntary guidance materials to support case-by-case risk assessments of living modified organisms containing engineered gene drives
Tags: Risk assessmentConvention on Biological Diversity, 2024.
Cartagena Protocol Annex III: risk assessment
Tags: Risk assessmentConvention on Biological Diversity, Cartagena Protocol (2000), 2024.
Flight Against Infections: The Role of Genetically Engineered Mosquitoes, with Dr. Stephanie James
Tags: Dengue, Gene drive, Genetically modified mosquitoes, Malaria, Mosquitoes, Risk assessmentEeKs on Health, YouTube, 2024.
In this episode of Causes or Cures, Dr. Eeks chats with Dr. Stephanie James about the potential use of genetically modified mosquitoes (GMMs) to fight diseases that mosquitoes carry and spread, such as Malaria and Dengue Fever. In the podcast, Dr. James provides an overview ...
Conceptual risk assessment of mosquito population modification gene-drive systems to control malaria transmission: preliminary hazards list workshops
Tags: Gene drive, Gene drive synthetic, Malaria, Mosquitoes, Population modification/replacement, Regulation, Risk and safety, Risk assessmentA. Kormos, G. Dimopoulos, E. Bier, G. C. Lanzaro, J. M. Marshall and A. A. James, Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 11. 2023.
The field-testing and eventual adoption of genetically-engineered mosquitoes (GEMs) to control vector-borne pathogen transmission will require them meeting safety criteria specified by regulatory authorities in regions where the technology is being considered for use and other ...
General science-technology orientation, specific benefit–risk assessment frame, and public acceptance of gene drive biotechnology
Tags: Gene drive, Gene drive synthetic, Governance, Risk and safety, Risk assessment, Stakeholder engagementX. Liu, C. L. Goldsmith, K. E. Kang, A. Vedlitz, Z. N. Adelman, L. W. Buchman, E. Heitman and R. F. Medina, Risk Analysis, 2023.
Abstract With limited understanding of most new biotechnologies, how do citizens form their opinion and what factors influence their attitudes about these innovations? In this study, we use gene drive biotechnology in agricultural pest management as an example and theoretically ...
Benefits and risks of gene drives for invasive plant management – the case for common tansy
Tags: Agriculture, Gene drive, Gene drive synthetic, Regulation, Risk and safety, Risk assessmentL. Croghan, A. G. Smith, M. A. Tancos, N. O. Anderson and R. L. Becker, Frontiers in Agronomy, 5. 2023.
Invasive plants cause significant environmental and economic damage, but land managers have few control options. Common tansy (Tanacetum vulgare) is prevalent in many US states and is one of the most reported invasive plants in Minnesota. Controlling common tansy poses a ...
Bioinformatic and literature assessment of toxicity and allergenicity of a CRISPR-Cas9 engineered gene drive to control Anopheles gambiae the mosquito vector of human malaria
Tags: Anopheles, Gene drive, Gene drive synthetic, Policy, Risk assessmentA. Qureshi and J. B. Connolly, Malaria Journal, 22:234. 2023.
Population suppression gene drive is currently being evaluated, including via environmental risk assessment (ERA), for malaria vector control. One such gene drive involves the dsxFCRISPRh transgene encoding (i) hCas9 endonuclease, (ii) T1 guide RNA (gRNA) targeting the doublesex ...
Off Target: Gene Drives and the Balance of Life
Tags: Gene drive, Gene drive synthetic, Risk assessment, Stakeholder engagementSave Our Seeds, 2023.
This is a compilation of conversations with experts about gene drive technologies and the science/social questions it raises.
World malaria report 2023
Tags: Malaria, Regulation, Risk assessmentGeneva: World Health Organization, Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO. 2023.
Leveraging eco-evolutionary models for gene drive risk assessment
Tags: Ecology, Gene drive, Gene drive synthetic, Modeling, Risk assessmentM. A. Combs, A. J. Golnar, J. M. Overcash, A. L. Lloyd, K. R. Hayes, D. A. O’Brochta and K. M. Pepin, Trends in Genetics, 2023.
As development of gene drive systems accelerates and diversifies, predicting outcomes for target populations and the potential for human and environmental risks requires accounting for numerous eco-evolutionary processes.Gene drive dynamic models quantify the influence of ...
Defining transformation events for gene drive in species complexes
Tags: Anopheles, Gene drive, Gene drive synthetic, Mosquitoes, Policy, Risk and safety, Risk assessmentJ. B. Connolly, IOBC-WPRS Bulletin, 163:8-20. 2023.
Engineered gene drives (EGDs) that allow the super-Mendelian inheritance of genetic traits could one day be used to reduce the vectorial capacity of Anopheles species that transmit human malaria in Africa. Many Anopheles species belong to complexes of closely related sibling ...
A gene drive is a gene drive: the debate over lumping or splitting definitions
Tags: Gene drive, Gene drive synthetic, Policy, Risk and safety, Risk assessment, Selfish genetic elementsS. L. James, D. A. O'Brochta, F. Randazzo and O. Akbari, Nature Communications, 2023.
Gene drive technologies are being considered as a new approach to address a variety of currently intractable global problems, including to prevent disease transmission, reduce crop loss, and preserve biodiversity1. There are some outside the genetics research community who argue ...
Gene Drives: Target Malaria is underestimating the risks
Tags: Anopheles, Gene drive, Gene drive synthetic, Population suppression, Risk and safety, Risk assessment, Target malariaC. Then, Testbiotech, 2023.
The Target Malaria consortium has for several years been planning to conduct field trials using genetically engineered mosquitoes in Burkina Faso. The aim is to transfer artificial gene constructs, i. e. the so-called ‘X-shredder’, into wild populations of the mosquitoes. ...
Regulatory and policy considerations for the implementation of gene drive-modified mosquitoes to prevent malaria transmission
Tags: Gene drive, Gene drive synthetic, Governance, Mosquitoes, Policy, Regulation, Risk assessmentS. L. James, B. Dass and H. Quemada, Transgenic Research, 32:17. 2023.
Gene drive-modified mosquitoes (GDMMs) are being developed as possible new tools to prevent transmission of malaria and other mosquito-borne diseases. To date no GDMMs have yet undergone field testing. This early stage is an opportune time for developers, supporters, and possible ...
Assessing the hybridization potential between a hypothetical gene drive-modified Drosophila suzukii strain and non-target Drosophila species
Tags: Fruit fly, Gene drive, Gene drive synthetic, Risk and safety, Risk assessmentJ. Romeis, S. Wolf, J. Collatz, J. Enkerli and F. Widmer, IOBC-WPRS Bulletin, 163:108. 2023.
Genetically engineered gene drives (GD) are a potentially powerful tool to control pest insects by population suppression or even elimination. Before living GD modified insects can be released into the environment, they must pass an environmental risk assessment (ERA). A key ...
Engagement on risk assessment for gene drive mosquitoes by EFSA and Target Malaria
Tags: Europe, Gene drive, Gene drive synthetic, Policy, Risk and safety, Risk assessment, Stakeholder engagement, Target malariaS. Hartley, A. Kokotovich, Y. Devos and J. Mumford, Environmental Science and Policy, 142:183-193. 2023.
As engineered gene drive technologies continue to advance, many actors are actively considering how environmental risk assessments (RAs) for gene drive organisms should be conducted, and how stakeholder engagement opportunities should be provided. There is, however, a lack of ...
Review of gene drive modelling and implications for risk assessment of gene drive organisms
Tags: Gene drive, Gene drive synthetic, Modeling, Policy, Risk assessmentJ. L. Frieß, C. R. Lalyer, B. Giese, S. Simon and M. Otto, Ecological Modelling, 478:110285. 2023.
Synthetic gene drive (GD) systems constitute a form of novel invasive environmental biotechnology with far-reaching consequences beyond those of other known genetically modified organisms (GMOs). During the last 10 years, the development of GD systems has been closely linked to ...
Assessing potential hybridization between a hypothetical gene drive-modified Drosophila suzukii and nontarget Drosophila species
Tags: Fruit fly, Gene drive, Gene drive synthetic, Governance, Invasive species, Policy, Risk assessmentS. Wolf, J. Collatz, J. Enkerli, F. Widmer and J. Romeis, Risk Analysis, 2023.
Genetically engineered gene drives (geGD) are potentially powerful tools for suppressing or even eradicating populations of pest insects. Before living geGD insects can be released into the environment, they must pass an environmental risk assessment to ensure that their release ...
Tags: Gene drive, Gene drive synthetic, Policy, Risk and safety, Risk assessmentStop Gene Drive, STOP GENE DRIVES, 2022.
We are travelling the world speaking to some of the world’s leading thinkers, activists and academics on the impact of gene drives. We interviewed more than 20 experts from around the world
What are gene drivers and why do 300,000 people want them banned?
Tags: Ecology, Gene drive, Gene drive synthetic, Risk and safety, Risk assessmentAnika, Social Bites, 2022.
Ecologists in Action and Madrid Agroecologico submitted 300,000 citizen signatures to the Ministry of Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge, asking Minister Teresa Ribera to give Spain a boost. International moratorium on technology for the release of organisms modified ...
Risk Assessment on the Release of Wolbachia-Infected Aedes aegypti in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Tags: Aedes, Dengue, Policy, Population modification/replacement, Risk assessment, WolbachiaD. Buchori, A. Mawan, I. Nurhayati, A. Aryati, H. Kusnanto and U. K. Hadi, Insects, 13. 2022.
Wolbachia-infected Aedes aegypti is the latest technology that was developed to eliminate dengue fever. The Ministry of Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemenristekdikti) established an expert group to identify future potential risks that may occur over a ...
Points to consider in seeking biosafety approval for research, testing, and environmental release of experimental genetically modified biocontrol products during research and development
Tags: Gene drive, Gene drive synthetic, Genetic biocontrol, Genetically modified mosquitoes, Policy, Regulation, Risk assessmentW. K. Tonui, V. Ahuja, C. J. Beech, J. B. Connolly, B. Dass, D. C. M. Glandorf, et al., Transgenic Research, 31:607. 2022.
Novel genetically modified biological control products (referred to as “GM biocontrol products”) are being considered to address a range of complex problems in public health, conservation, and agriculture, including preventing the transmission of vector-borne parasitic and ...
Gene Drive in Species Complexes: Defining Target Organisms
Tags: Biodiversity/Conservation, Gene drive synthetic, Policy, Risk assessmentJ. B. Connolly, J. Romeis, Y. Devos, D. C. M. Glandorf, G. Turner and M. B. Coulibaly, Trends in Biotechnology, 2022.
Engineered gene drives, which bias their own inheritance to increase in frequency in target populations, are being developed to control mosquito malaria vectors. Such mosquitoes can belong to complexes of both vector and non-vector species that can produce fertile interspecific ...
Larval mosquito management and risk to aquatic ecosystems: A comparative approach including current tactics and gene-drive Anopheles techniques
Tags: Anopheles, Gene drive synthetic, Malaria, Mosquitoes, Policy, Regulation, Risk assessmentR. K. D. Peterson and M. G. Rolston, Transgenic Research, 2022.
Genetic engineering of mosquitoes represents a promising tactic for reducing human suffering from malaria. Gene-drive techniques being developed that suppress or modify populations of Anopheles gambiae have the potential to be used with, or even possibly obviate, microbial and ...
Bayesian network-based risk assessment of synthetic biology: Simulating CRISPR-Cas9 gene drive dynamics in invasive rodent management
Tags: Gene drive synthetic, Invasive species, Pest management, Risk assessment, Rodents, Synthetic biologyE. A. Brown, S. R. Eikenbary and W. G. Landis, Risk Analysis, 2022.
Gene drive technology has been proposed to control invasive rodent populations as an alternative to rodenticides. However, this approach has not undergone risk assessment that meets criteria established by Gene Drives on the Horizon, a 2016 report by the National Academies of ...
Prescribing engagement in environmental risk assessment for gene drive technology
Tags: Gene drive synthetic, Governance, Risk assessment, Stakeholder engagementS. Hartley, A. Kokotovich and C. McCalman, Regulation and Governance, 2022.
Abstract Gene drive technology is a nascent biotechnology with the potential to purposefully alter or eliminate a species. There have been broad calls for engagement to inform gene drive governance. Over the past seven years, the gene drive community has been developing risk ...
A preliminary framework for understanding the governance of novel environmental technologies: Ambiguity, indeterminateness and drift
Tags: Ethics, Gene drive synthetic, Governance, Policy, Risk assessmentF. Rabitz, M. Feist, M. Honegger, J. Horton, S. Jinnah and J. Reynolds, Earth System Governance, 12:100134. 2022.
We propose a conceptual framework to explain why some technologies are more difficult to govern than others in global environmental governance. We start from the observation that some technologies pose transboundary environmental risks, some provide capacities for managing such ...
Tags: Gene drive, Policy, Risk and safety, Risk assessment, South/Central AmericaN. R. Furtado, PERI Revista de Filosofia, 13. 2022.
The paper discusses the application of the precautionary principle in the management of environmental risks arising from the use of gene drives to control epidemics. Gene drives consist of a technique for creating genetically modified organisms, which are released into an ...
Stakeholder engagement to inform the risk assessment and governance of gene drive technology to manage spotted-wing drosophila
Tags: Fruit fly, Gene drive synthetic, Genetic biocontrol, Governance, Invasive species, Risk assessment, Stakeholder engagementA. E. Kokotovich, S. K. Barnhill-Dilling, J. E. Elsensohn, R. Li, J. A. Delborne and H. Burrack, Journal of Environmental Management, 307:114480. 2022.
Emerging biotechnologies, such as gene drive technology, are increasingly being proposed to manage a variety of pests and invasive species. As one method of genetic biocontrol, gene drive technology is currently being developed to manage the invasive agricultural pest ...
Information Sharing in Senegal on the Gene Drive Technology as a potential Complementary Tool for Malaria Vector Control
Tags: Africa, Gene drive synthetic, Mosquitoes, Policy, Regulation, Risk assessment, Stakeholder engagementAUDA-NEPAD, AUDA-NEPAD, 2022.
AUDA-NEPAD in partnership with the National Biosafety Authority (Autorité Nationale de Biosécurité (ANB) in Senegal organized an Information sharing meeting on the gene drive technology as a complementary tool for malaria vector control, from 22-23 December 2021, in Somone, ...
Integrated Management of Malaria Vectors in Africa
Tags: Genetic biocontrol, Malaria, Mosquitoes, Policy, Regulation, Risk assessment, Stakeholder engagementR. Mbabazi, K. Maredia, B. B. El-Sayed, A. K. Babumba, M. Savadogo and O. Akinbo, Genetically Modified and other Innovative Vector Control Technologies, 2021.
Malaria disease is a major public health burden in Africa. The control of malaria vectors is a critical component for prevention, management, and eradication of malaria disease. This chapter presents information on the current status of malaria vector control in Africa with ...
Laboratory Biosafety in Handling Genetically Modified Mosquitoes
Tags: Containment, Genetically modified mosquitoes, Policy, Regulation, Risk and safety, Risk assessmentJ. Charles, Genetically Modified and other Innovative Vector Control Technologies, 2021.
One of the novel approaches in controlling vector-borne diseases is to release genetically modified mosquitoes in nature. Trial studies are done in different phases by the researches, both in the laboratory and in the fields. Before a GM mosquito is validated to be ready for ...
Safety Assessment of Novel Genetic Technologies for Vector Control: National and International Perspectives
Tags: Asia, Genetically modified mosquitoes, Policy, Regulation, Risk and safety, Risk assessmentV. Ahuja, Genetically Modified and other Innovative Vector Control Technologies, 2021.
Novel genetic technologies provide an alternative approach for control of vectors particularly those carrying deadly pathogens. Genetic control technologies aim to either suppress target populations or modify the vector by introducing a heritable factor that reduces or blocks ...
Measuring Public Attitudes to Releases of Transgenic Mosquitoes for Disease Control, with Special Reference to Dengue and Malaria
Tags: Dengue, Genetic biocontrol, Genetically modified mosquitoes, Malaria, Policy, Regulation, Risk and safety, Risk assessment, Stakeholder engagementL. A. De Las Llagas and M. S. T. Gunigundo, Genetically Modified and other Innovative Vector Control Technologies, 2021.
Since the advent of DDT in public health and agriculture, science leaped forward with revolutionary technology such as gene drive or editing, thus making it possible to develop alternative approaches to address vector-borne diseases. However, their utilization and sustenance in ...
Safe Application of Genetically Modified Mosquito (GMM) to Combat Dengue and Chikungunya Depends on Socioeconomic Status and Social Acceptance in the Developing Countries: A Comprehensive Analysis
Tags: Dengue, Genetic biocontrol, Genetically modified mosquitoes, Malaria, Policy, Regulation, Risk and safety, Risk assessment, Stakeholder engagementM. N. Islam, Genetically Modified and other Innovative Vector Control Technologies, 2021.
The emerging and re-emerging vector-borne diseases are a serious public health problem throughout the world. It has been observed that more than 100 countries and approximately half of the world’s population are at risk on vector-borne diseases (VBDs). The global burden of the ...
New molecular genetic techniques: regulatory and societal considerations
Tags: Gene drive synthetic, Genetic biocontrol, Incompatible insect technique, Policy, Regulation, Risk and safety, Risk assessment, Stakeholder engagement, Sterile insect technique (SIT)Nielsen, K. M., AREA-WIDE INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT: Development and Field Application, 2021.
A rapidly expanding toolbox of techniques available for genome editing provides the basis for a new continuum in types of modifications that can be introduced into a genome and blur the bimodal GMO vs. non-GMO (genetically modified organism) divide. Site-directed nucleases (SDN) ...
Procedurally Robust Risk Assessment Framework for Novel Genetically Engineered Organisms and Gene Drives
Tags: Gene drive synthetic, Gene editing, Genetically modified organisms, Governance, Policy, Risk assessmentKuzma, J., Regulation and Governance, 15:1144-1165. 2021.
In this article, a new framework for improving risk assessments of novel genetically engineered organisms (GEOs) is developed and applied. The Procedurally Robust Risk Assessment Framework (PRRAF) provides a set of principles and criteria for assessing and enhancing risk ...
CRISPR-based gene drives for combatting malaria: Need for an early stage technology assessment.
Tags: Gene drive synthetic, Policy, Regulation, Risk assessmentLiebert, W., AREA-WIDE INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT: Development and Field Application, 2021.
The potential power of CRISPR-based gene drives makes it necessary to engage in science and technology assessment already in early stages of research and development. In order to argue for efforts to address this urgent need, gene drives to combat malaria-transmitting mosquitoes ...
Ecological vulnerability analysis for suppression of Drosophila suzukii by gene drives
Tags: Ecology, Fruit fly, Gene drive synthetic, Risk and safety, Risk assessmentC. R. Lalyer, L. Sigsgaard and B. Giese, Global Ecology and Conservation, 32:e01883. 2021.
Synthetic gene drives are transgenic constructs that aim to bias heredity and thereby influence the characteristics and fate of populations regarding abundance and evolution. Aside from irreversible effects in ecosystems that could be triggered by the release of a gene drive, ...
Weltnaturschutzunion sucht Position
Tags: Gene drive synthetic, Governance, Policy, Regulation, Risk assessmentAnonymous, Informationsdienst Gentechnik, 2021.
Die Weltnaturschutzunion IUCN will in den nächsten drei Jahren eine breite interne Diskussion führen, ob Gentechnik und Gene Drives im Naturschutz eingesetzt werden sollen. Mit diesem Beschluss ist der Versuch gentechnikfreundlicher Organisationen, mit Artenschutz-Argumenten ...
Gene Drive-Modified Organisms: Developing Practical Risk Assessment Guidance
Tags: Europe, Regulation, Risk assessmentDevos, Yann et al. Trends in Biotechnology, Volume 39, Issue 9:853 – 856. 2021.
The viral era
Tags: Gene drive synthetic, Governance, Policy, Regulation, Risk and safety, Risk assessmentB. Giese, EMBO reports, 22:e53229. 2021.
New biotechnologies such as gene drives and engineered viruses herald a viral era that would give humans exceptional power over any organism at the level of the genotype. In synthetic biology, orthogonality—in the sense of lack of interference—between different systems or ...
Gene drive strategies of pest control in agricultural systems: challenges and opportunities
Tags: Agriculture, Gene drive synthetic, Genetic biocontrol, Resistance, Risk assessment, UnderdominanceM. Legros, J. M. Marshall, S. Macfadyen, K. R. Hayes, A. Sheppard and L. G. Barrett, Evolutionary Applications, 2021.
Abstract Recent advances in gene editing technologies have opened new avenues for genetic pest control strategies, in particular around the use of gene drives to suppress or modify pest populations. Significant uncertainty, however, surrounds the applicability of these strategies ...
Risk management recommendations for environmental releases of gene drive modified insects
Tags: Field trials, Gene drive synthetic, Modeling, Policy, Risk assessment, Stakeholder engagementY. Devos, J. D. Mumford, M. B. Bonsall, D. C. M. Glandorf and H. D. Quemada, Biotechnology Advances, 2021.
The ability to engineer gene drives (genetic elements that bias their own inheritance) has sparked enthusiasm and concerns. Engineered gene drives could potentially be used to address long-standing challenges in the control of insect disease vectors, agricultural pests and ...
West African countries working together to develop framework to regulate genetically engineered mosquitos: Target Malaria
Tags: Gene drive synthetic, Genetically modified mosquitoes, Policy, Regulation, Risk and safety, Risk assessment, Target malariaAnonymous, Global News, 2021.
Abdoulaye Diabaté, principal investigator for Target Malaria, says West African countries like Burkina Faso, Mali and Benin are working with the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) to develop a pan-West African framework to regulate gene drive mosquitos.
Potential use of gene drive modified insects against disease vectors, agricultural pests and invasive species poses new challenges for risk assessment
Tags: Gene drive synthetic, Policy, Regulation, Risk assessmentY. Devos, J. D. Mumford, M. B. Bonsall, A. M. Camargo, L. G. Firbank, D. C. M. Glandorf, F. Nogué, K. Paraskevopoulos and E. A. Wimmer, Critical Reviews in Biotechnology, 2021.
Potential future application of engineered gene drives (GDs), which bias their own inheritance and can spread genetic modifications in wild target populations, has sparked both enthusiasm and concern. Engineered GDs in insects could potentially be used to address long-standing ...
Fighting mosquitoes with mosquitoes
Tags: Gene drive synthetic, Genetically modified mosquitoes, Malaria, Policy, Regulation, Risk assessmentW. Feng, The Daily Targum, 2021.
When you think about the animal that has killed the greatest number of humans in the world, you generally tend to think of large predators. Is it perhaps the great white shark or maybe the cute but deadly hippopotamus? While these animals are certainly deadly, the number of ...
CRISPR-Cas and Its Wide-Ranging Applications: From Human Genome Editing to Environmental Implications, Technical Limitations, Hazards and Bioethical Issues
Tags: Ethics, Gene drive synthetic, Policy, Regulation, Risk assessmentR. Piergentili, A. Del Rio, F. Signore, F. U. Ronchi, E. Marinelli and S. Zaami, Cells, 10:24. 2021.
The CRISPR-Cas system is a powerful tool for in vivo editing the genome of most organisms, including man. During the years this technique has been applied in several fields, such as agriculture for crop upgrade and breeding including the creation of allergy-free foods, for ...
GeneConvene Global Collaborative Webinar Series | Ecological Relationships of Mosquito Disease Vectors: Anticipating Risk Assessment of Gene Drive Technologies
Tags: Ecology, Gene drive synthetic, Risk assessment, WebinarStephanie James, Hector Quemada and David O'Brochta, GeneConvene Global Collaborative, 2021.
An often-raised concern for the development of genetically modified mosquito technologies, particularly those involving gene drive, as tools to prevent disease transmission is the limitation of our understanding of the roles these species may play within the ecosystem. This ...
Systematic identification of plausible pathways to potential harm via problem formulation for investigational releases of a population suppression gene drive to control the human malaria vector Anopheles gambiae in West Africa
Tags: Anopheles, CRISPR, Gene drive synthetic, Regulation, Risk assessmentJ. B. Connolly, J. D. Mumford, S. Fuchs, G. Turner, C. Beech, A. R. North and A. Burt, Malaria Journal, 20:170. 2021.
Population suppression gene drive has been proposed as a strategy for malaria vector control. A CRISPR-Cas9-based transgene homing at the doublesex locus (dsxFCRISPRh) has recently been shown to increase rapidly in frequency in, and suppress, caged laboratory populations of the ...
Genetically modified mosquitoes for better health
Tags: Gene drive synthetic, Gene editing, Genetic biocontrol, Genetically modified mosquitoes, Malaria, Population modification/replacement, Population suppression, Risk assessmentD. Devis, COSMOS, 2021.
One method of preventing these mosquito-born diseases is to use insecticides to kill the mozzies and remove them, but sometimes this only works as a short term solution, or has unintended devasting effects on the ecosystem. Another method for decreasing the number of ...
Quantifying the risk of vector-borne disease transmission attributable to genetically modified vectors
Tags: Gene drive synthetic, Gene editing, Genetic biocontrol, Genetically modified mosquitoes, Malaria, Modeling, Population modification/replacement, Population suppression, Regulation, Risk assessmentG. R. Hosack, A. Ickowicz and K. R. Hayes, Royal Society Open Science, 8:201525. 2021.
The relative risk of disease transmission caused by the potential release of transgenic vectors, such as through sterile insect technique or gene drive systems, is assessed with comparison with wild-type vectors. The probabilistic risk framework is demonstrated with an assessment ...
GeneConvene Global Collaborative Webinar Series | Ecological Modeling in Risk Assessment of Gene Drives
Tags: Gene drive synthetic, Modeling, Regulation, Risk assessment, WebinarHector Quemada and David O'Brochta, 2021.
Unlike non-gene drive organisms, which can be limited in time and space and therefore provide data in small scale tests that can be relevant to large scale releases, the potential for large-scale spread from a limited release, even in well-isolated trials, means that reliance on ...
GeneConvene Webinar Series on: Ecological Modeling in Risk Assessment of Gene Drives
Tags: Gene drive synthetic, Modeling, Policy, Regulation, Risk assessmentHector Quemada and David O'Brochta, 2021.
Unlike non-gene drive organisms, which can be limited in time and space and therefore provide data in small scale tests that can be relevant to large scale releases, the potential for large-scale spread from a limited release, even in well-isolated trials, means that reliance on ...
A Code of Ethics for Gene Drive Research
Tags: Biodiversity/Conservation, CRISPR, Ethics, Gene drive synthetic, Invasive species, Policy, Risk and safety, Risk assessmentG. J. Annas, C. L. Beisel, K. Clement, A. Crisanti, S. Francis, M. Galardini, R. Galizi, J. Grünewald, G. Immobile, A. S. Khalil, R. Müller, V. Pattanayak, K. Petri, L. Paul, L. Pinello, A. Simoni, C. Taxiarchi and J. K. Joung, The CRISPR Journal, 4:19:1-8. 2021.
A code of ethics can be a useful tool for all parties involved in the development and regulation of gene drives and can be used to help ensure that a balanced analysis of risks, benefits, and values is taken into consideration for the interest of society and humanity. We have ...
Playing God and tampering with nature: popular labels for real concerns in synthetic biology
Tags: Biodiversity/Conservation, Ethics, Gene drive, Genetic biocontrol, Policy, Risk and safety, Risk assessment, Stakeholder engagement, Synthetic biologyL. Carter, A. Mankad, E. V. Hobman and N. B. Porter, Transgenic Research, 2021.
We present the findings from a large Australian study (N = 4593) which suggests ‘playing God’ objections and their variants can be multilayered and, at times, accompanied by meaningful information about risk perceptions. We use qualitative analysis of ope
Demystifying the Risk Assessment Process for Laboratory-Based Experiments Utilizing Invasive Genetic Elements: It Is More Than Gene Drive
Tags: Containment, Gene drive synthetic, Policy, Regulation, Risk assessmentZ. N. Adelman, Applied Biosafety, 2021.
Advances in recombinant DNA approaches have resulted in the development of transgene architectures that severely bias their own inheritance, a process commonly referred to as ?gene drive.? The rapid pace of development, combined with the complexity of many gene drive approaches, ...
Conservation pest control with new technologies: public perceptions
Tags: Biodiversity/Conservation, Gene drive synthetic, Genetic biocontrol, Oceania, Policy, Regulation, Risk assessment, Stakeholder engagementE. A. MacDonald, M. B. Neff, E. Edwards, F. Medvecky and J. Balanovic, Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 2021.
We conducted eleven focus groups in New Zealand to explore three questions about novel technologies (gene drive and two others for comparison of pest control tools): (1) what are the risks/benefits? (2) how do they compare to current methods? and (3) who should be represented on ...
Laboratory biosafety manual, fourth edition
Tags: Regulation, Risk and safety, Risk assessmentGeneva: World Health Organization; 2020 (Laboratory biosafety manual, fourth edition and associated monographs), Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO, 2020.
Core commitments for field trials of gene drive organisms
Tags: Field trials, Gene drive synthetic, Policy, Regulation, Risk assessmentK. C. Long, L. Alphey, G. J. Annas, C. S. Bloss, K. J. Campbell, J. Champer, C.-H. Chen, A. Choudhary, G. M. Church, J. P. Collins, K. L. Cooper, J. A. Delborne, O. R. Edwards, C. I. Emerson, K. Esvelt, S. W. Evans, R. M. Friedman, V. M. Gantz, F. Gould,, Science, 370:1417-1419. 2020.
While field trials of gene drive organisms (GDOs) ultimately will depend on public policy decisions, those engaged in GDO work can play critical roles in support of these decisions by generating evidence and developing evaluation strategies in fair and effective partnerships with ...
Scientists paved the way for field trials of gene-driven organisms
Tags: Field trials, Gene drive synthetic, Policy, Regulation, Risk and safety, Risk assessment, Stakeholder engagementK. Winslet, FLORIDA News Times, 2020.
The recent rise of gene drive research, accelerated by CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing technology, has brought about a wave of transformation throughout science.Developed with selected traits that have been genetically engineered to spread throughout the population, Gene Drive ...
Technical Support to Burkina Faso on Gene Drive Stage 2 Dossier Review
Tags: Africa, Gene drive synthetic, Policy, Regulation, Risk and safety, Risk assessmentAUDA-NEPAD, AUDA-NEPAD, 2020.
AUDA-NEPAD in partnership with the National Biosafety Agency (ANB) in Burkina Faso organised a training workshop to support to the National Biosafety Committee (NBC) on stage 2 dossier review, on December 3 – 5, 2020, in Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso. In addition to the NBC ...
Gene Drive-Modified Organisms: Developing Practical Risk Assessment Guidance
Tags: Gene drive synthetic, Policy, Regulation, Risk and safety, Risk assessmentY. Devos, M. B. Bonsall, L. G. Firbank, J. Mumford, F. Nogué and E. A. Wimmer, Trends in Biotechnology, 2020.
Risk assessors, risk managers, developers, potential applicants, and other stakeholders at many levels discuss the need for new or further risk assessment guidance for deliberate environmental releases of gene drive-modified organisms. However, preparing useful and practical ...
Further guidance required for assessment of gene drive technology, says EFSA
Tags: Europe, Field trials, Gene drive synthetic, Modeling, Pest management, Policy, Regulation, Risk and safety, Risk assessmentEuractiv, The World News Monitor, 2020.
Existing guidelines are adequate for evaluating risks associated with gene-drive modified insects, but further guidance is needed for some areas, most notably for environmental risk assessments. The evaluation was requested to explore the issue ahead of the consideration of any ...
Adequacy and sufficiency evaluation of existing EFSA guidelines for the molecular characterisation, environmental risk assessment and post-market environmental monitoring of genetically modified insects containing engineered gene drives
Tags: Field trials, Gene drive synthetic, Modeling, Pest management, Policy, Risk assessmentE. Panel o. G. M. Organisms, H. Naegeli, J.-L. Bresson, T. Dalmay, I. C. Dewhurst, M. M. Epstein, P. Guerche, J. Hejatko, F. J. Moreno, E. Mullins, F. Nogué, N. Rostoks, J. J. Sánchez Serrano, G. Savoini, E. Veromann, F. Veronesi, M. B. Bonsall, J. Mumfor, EFSA Journal, 18:e06297. 2020.
As a proactive measure, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has been requested by the European Commission to review whether its previously published guidelines for the risk assessment of genetically modified animals (EFSA, 2012 and 2013), including insects (GMIs), are ...
EFSA advises on risk assessment of engineered gene drives
Tags: Field trials, Gene drive synthetic, Modeling, Pest management, Policy, Risk assessmentEFSA, European Food and Safety Authority, 2020.
EFSA’s existing guidelines for the risk assessment of genetically modified animals are adequate for evaluating risks associated with gene drive modified insects. However, further guidance is needed for some areas, such as molecular characterisation, environmental risk ...
GeneConvene Global Collaborative Webinar Series | Engineered Gene Drives: Policy and Regulatory Considerations Webinar Series October-December 2020
Tags: Gene drive synthetic, Governance, Policy, Regulation, Risk and safety, Risk assessment, Stakeholder engagement, WebinarHector Quemada and David O'Brochta, GeneConvene Global Collaborative, 2020.
In this series of webinars the regulatory and policy challenges of moving new innovative genetic biocontrol products such as gene drive technologies to the field will be featured. Each seminar is ~60 minutes in length followed by questions and answers.
Adequacy and sufficiency evaluation of existing EFSA guidelines for the molecular characterisation, environmental risk assessment and post‐market environmental monitoring of genetically modified insects containing engineered gene drives
Tags: Europe, Regulation, Risk assessmentEFSA, 2020.
GeneConvene Global Collaborative Webinar Series | Gene Drive Policy and Regulatory Considerations 2020
Tags: Gene drive synthetic, Governance, Policy, Risk and safety, Risk assessment, Stakeholder engagement, Video, WebinarHector Quemada and David O'Brochta, GeneConvene Global Collaborative, 2020.
This is series of webinars the regulatory and policy challenges of moving new innovative genetic biocontrol products such as gene drive technologies to the field will be featured.
ESA Position Statement on the Importance of Continued Innovation in Gene Drive Technology
Tags: Gene drive synthetic, Policy, Regulation, Risk and safety, Risk assessment, Stakeholder engagementEntomological Society of America, Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 2020.
The risks and benefits of GDTs should be considered with the risks and benefits of continuing current pest control interventions, which may be comparatively less effective or pose exposure risks to human health and the environment.
GeneConvene Global Collaborative Webinar Series | Gene Drive Policy and Regulatory Consideration
Tags: Gene drive synthetic, Governance, Policy, Regulation, Risk and safety, Risk assessment, Stakeholder engagement, Video, WebinarHector Quemada and David O'Brochta, GeneConvene Global Collaborative, 2020.
This is series of webinars the regulatory and policy challenges of moving new innovative genetic biocontrol products such as gene drive technologies to the field will be featured.
Embracing Dynamic Models for Gene Drive Management
Tags: Gene drive synthetic, Genetically modified organisms, Population genetics/dynamics, Regulation, Risk assessmentA. J. Golnar, E. Ruell, A. L. Lloyd and K. M. Pepin, Trends in Biotechnology, 2020.
We describe how quantitative tools can reduce risk uncertainty, streamline empirical research, guide risk management, and promote cross-sector collaboration throughout the process of gene drive technology development and implementation.
Viewpoint: Is there a scientific basis to ban gene drive technology that can rid us of virus-carrying rodents and mosquitoes?
Tags: Gene drive synthetic, Policy, Risk assessment, RodentsK. Vavitas, Genetic Literacy Project, 2020.
Gene drives may be invaluable tools to control the spread of parasites, invasive species, and disease carriers. But the technology has faced strong opposition from activist groups and some mainstream scientists based on environmental and food safety. Are these concerns valid?
Incorporating Characteristics of Gene Drive Engineered Ae. aegypti as Methods to Reduce Dengue and Zika Virus into the Bayesian Network – Relative Risk Model, Using Ponce, Puerto Rico as a Case Study
Tags: Aedes, Arbovirus, Dengue, Gene drive synthetic, Modeling, Policy, Regulation, Risk assessmentS. R. Eikenbary, WWU Graduate School Collection, 2020.
The Bayesian network relative risk model can perform the risk assessment of gene drive engineered Ae. aegypti for vector control and as part of an adaptive management strategy to reduce dengue and Zika transmission. This study illustrates how the BN-RRM can integrate gene drive ...
Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories, 6th Edition
Tags: Risk assessment, tag regulationCenters for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institutes of Health, 2020.
The value of existing regulatory frameworks for the environmental risk assessment of agricultural pest control using gene drives
Tags: Europe, Regulation, Risk assessmentJörg Romeis, Jana Collatz, Debora C.M. Glandorf, Michael B. Bonsall, Environmental Science & Policy, Volume 108:Pages 19-36. 2020.
Jonathan Latham on Gene Drives and the Gates Foundation
Tags: Gene drive synthetic, Risk assessment, Stakeholder engagementJames Corbett, The Corbett Report, 2020.
Jonathan Latham of Independent Science News joins us to discuss his 2017 article, “Gates Foundation Hired PR Firm to Manipulate UN Over Gene Drives.” We talk about gene drives, the dangers inherent in this technology, how the UN is involved, and why the Gates Foundation and ...
Gene Drives: Pursuing opportunities, minimizing risk
Tags: Gene drive synthetic, Policy, Regulation, Risk and safety, Risk assessmentK. L. Warmbrod, A. Kobokovich, R. West, G. Ray, M. Trotochaud and M. Montague, Center for Health Security, 2020.
This study analyzed the current state of gene drive technologies, the ways in which they might be deployed in the field, and the state of regulatory policy governing their development.
The EU not ready for the release of Gene drive organisms into the environment.
Tags: Biodiversity/Conservation, Europe, Gene drive synthetic, Policy, Regulation, Risk assessmentPensoft Publishers, ScienceDaily, 2020.
In their study, published in the open-access journal BioRisk, an international group of scientists led by Marion Dolezel from the Environment Agency Austria, discuss the potential risks and impacts on the environment.
Beyond limits – the pitfalls of global gene drives for environmental risk assessment in the European Union
Tags: Europe, Gene drive synthetic, Genetically modified organisms, Regulation, Risk and safety, Risk assessmentM. Dolezel, C. Lüthi and H. Gaugitsch, BioRisk, 15:1-29. 2020.
We evaluate the novel features of GDOs and outline the resulting challenges for the environmental risk assessment.
EPA Grants First Permit to Test Genetically Modified Mosquitoes
Tags: Aedes, Genetically modified mosquitoes, Oxitec, Policy, Risk assessmentAdam Allington, Bloomberg Law, 2020.
British biotech company Oxitec Ltd was granted an experimental use permit to release a genetically engineered type of the mosquito species Aedes aegypti, which is a known vector of Zika virus and viruses that cause yellow fever and dengue fever, the Environmental Protection ...
EPA Approves Experimental Use Permit to Test Innovative Biopesticide Tool to Better Protect Public Health
Tags: Aedes, Genetically modified mosquitoes, Oxitec, Policy, Risk assessmentEPA, EPA, 2020.
Today, after extensive evaluation of the best available science and public input, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has granted an experimental use permit (EUP) to Oxitec Ltd. to field test the use of genetically engineered Aedes aegypti mosquitoes as a way to reduce ...
EFSA discusses risk assessment of gene drives
Tags: Gene drive synthetic, Policy, Regulation, Risk assessmentC. Then, Testbiotech, 2020.
The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) carried out a public consultation on guidance for the risk assessment of so-called gene drives at the request of the EU Commission. At the same time, a new Testbiotech scientific paper was accepted after peer review. The paper shows that ...
Alternative Techniques and Options for Risk Reduction of Gene Drives
Tags: Gene drive synthetic, Policy, Regulation, Risk assessmentBernd Giese, Arnim von Gleich and Johannes L. Frieß, Gene Drives at Tipping Points, 2020.
In this chapter, we analyse and compare different types of gene drives as well as promising alternative approaches that may provide a reduced risk.
Limits of Knowledge and Tipping Points in the Risk Assessment of Gene Drive Organisms
Tags: Gene drive synthetic, Risk assessmentArnim von Gleich and Winfried Schröder, Gene Drives at Tipping Points, 2020.
New challengesTipping point in the risk assessment of genetically engineered (GE) organisms are expected to emerge in the context of so-called ‘gene drives’. Based on a review of findings from current knowledge of GE organisms, it is concluded that the risk assessment of gene ...
Steps Towards a Precautionary Risk Governance of SPAGE Technologies Including Gene-Drives
Tags: Gene drive synthetic, Risk assessmentArnim von Gleich, Gene Drives at Tipping Points, 2020.
In view of the rapid dynamics of genetic engineering development (in particular regarding the ‘new gene-technologies’ gene editing, self-propagating artificial genetic elements (SPAGESelf-Propagating Artificial Genetic Elements (SPAGE)) and synthetic biology), the question is ...
Case Study 2: Oilseed Rape (Brassica napus L.)
Tags: Agriculture, Gene drive synthetic, Risk assessmentJohnannes L. Frieß, Broder Breckling, Kathrin Pascher and Windfried Schröder, Gene Drives at Tipping Points, 2020.
SPAGESelf-Propagating Artificial Genetic Elements (SPAGE) (Self-Propagating Artificial Genetic Element) technologies allow for a proliferation of genetic information on the populationPopulation level at a higher rate than usual Mendelian inheritanceMendelian inheritance. ...
Vulnerability Analysis of Ecological Systems
Tags: Gene drive synthetic, Policy, Regulation, Risk assessmentCarina R. Lalyer, Arnim von gleich, Bernd Giese, Gene Drives at Tipping Points, 2020.
Vulnerability analysis can be seen as the counterpart to technology characterization. Technology characterisation scrutinises the intervening technology. Vulnerability analyses potentially affected systems. That may be socio-ecological, socio-technical, socio-economic or other ...
Gene Drives Touching Tipping Points
Tags: Gene drive synthetic, Regulation, Risk assessmentBrodee Breckling, Arnim von Gleich,, Gene Drives at Tipping Points, 2020.
Tipping points and tipping elements, phase transitions and similar critical phenomena are widely discussed in scientific as well as socio-economic contexts as components to understand unforeseen far reaching changes and critical transitions from one stage into another in complex ...
Gene Drives at Tipping Points
Tags: Gene drive synthetic, Policy, Regulation, Risk assessmentAmin von Gleich and Winfried Schroder, Gene Drives at Tipping Points, 2020.
This open access book reports on a pilot project aiming at collecting information on the socio-ecological risks that could arise in the event of an uncontrolled spread of genetically engineered organisms into the environment. The researchers will, for instance, be taking a closer ...
Outcome of a public consultation on the draft adequacy and sufficiency evaluation of existing EFSA guidelines for the molecular characterisation, environmental risk assessment and post-market environmental monitoring of genetically modified insects containing engineered gene drives
Tags: Europe, Regulation, Risk assessmentEFSA, 2020.
Report of the ad hoc technical expert group on risk assessment
Tags: Fish, Gene drive synthetic, Genetically modified organisms, Policy, Regulation, Risk and safety, Risk assessmentAd Hoc Technical Expert Group on Risk Assessment, Convention on Biological Diversity, 2020.
The Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Cartagena Protocol further decided to extend the Online Forum on Risk Assessment and Risk Management to assist the AHTEG and invited submissions of information relevant to the work of the online forum and ...
Spatio-temporal controllability and environmental risk assessment of genetically engineered gene drive organisms from the perspective of EU GMO Regulation
Tags: Gene drive synthetic, Policy, Regulation, Risk assessmentC. Then, K. Kawall and N. Valenzuela, Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, 2020.
Gene drive organisms are a recent development created by using methods of genetic engineering; they inherit genetic constructs that are passed on to future generations with a higher probability than with Mendelian inheritance. There are some specific challenges inherent to the ...
Auditing preparedness for vector control field studies
Tags: Gene drive synthetic, Gene editing, Risk assessmentC. M. Collins and M. M. Quinlan, American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 102:707-710. 2020.
The value of baseline entomological data to any future area-wide release campaign relies on the application of consistent methods to produce results comparable across different times and places in a stepwise progression to larger releases. Traditionally, standard operating ...
The value of existing regulatory frameworks for the environmental risk assessment of agricultural pest control using gene drive
Tags: Biological control, Gene drive synthetic, Genetically modified organisms, Incompatible insect technique, Regulation, Risk assessment, Sterile insect technique (SIT)J. Romeis, J. Collatz, D. C. M. Glandorf and M. B. Bonsall, Environmental Science & Policy, 108:19-36. 2020.
The application of (synthetic) gene drives is a powerful tool to control populations of insects that are agricultural pests, vectors of diseases, or a threat to biodiversity potentially leading to the local or global eradication of a species. The potential use of gene drive ...
Can a population targeted by a CRISPR-based homing gene drive be rescued?
Tags: CRISPR, Gene drive synthetic, Replicator/site directed nuclease, Risk assessmentN. O. Rode, V. Courtier-Orgogozo and F. Débarre, bioRxiv, 2020.03.17.995829. 2020.
CRISPR-based homing gene drive is a genetic control technique aiming to modify or eradicate natural populations through the release of individuals carrying an engineered piece of DNA that can be inherited by all their progeny. Developing countermeasures is important to control ...
Stakeholder workshop: Problem formulation for the environmental risk assessment of gene drive modified insects (15 May 2019, Brussels)
Tags: Europe, Regulation, Risk assessmentEuropean Food Safety Authority (EFSA): Yann Devos, Barbara Gallani, Leslie G Firbank., EFSA Supporting Publications, Vol 17 (3). 2020.
Regulation of GM Organisms for Invasive Species Control
Tags: Biodiversity/Conservation, Ethics, Gene drive synthetic, Gene editing, Invasive species, Policy, Regulation, Risk and safety, Risk assessmentH. J. Mitchell and D. Bartsch, Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 7:1-11. 2020.
Invasive species can cause significant harm to the environment, agriculture, and human health, but there are often very limited tools available to control their populations. Gene drives (GD) have been proposed as a new tool which could be used to control or eliminate such ...
Genetic frontiers for conservation: An assessment of synthetic biology and biodiversity conservation
Tags: Biodiversity/Conservation, Genetic engineering, Genetically modified organisms, Policy, Regulation, Risk and safety, Risk assessment, Synthetic biologyK. H. Redford, T. Brooks, M., B. W. Nicholas and J. S. A. Macfarlane, International Union for Conservation of Nature, 2019.
This assessment is the beginning of a process that will lead to the development of an IUCN policy to guide the Union’s Director General, Commissions, and Members. The draft policy will be discussed in many fora before it is brought to vote at the World Conservation Congress in ...
An Initial Framework for the Environmental Risk Assessment of Synthetic Biology-Derived Organisms with a Focus on Gene Drives.
Tags: Gene drive synthetic, Genetic biocontrol, Policy, Regulation, Risk and safety, Risk assessmentW. G. Landis, E. A. Brown and S. Eikenbary, Synthetic Biology 2020: Frontiers in Risk Analysis and Governance. Risk, Systems and Decisions., 2019.
We apply the structure of source-stressor-habitat-effect-impact pathway derived from the relative risk model (Landis and Wiegers 2005) and as was demonstrated to be applicable in the National Academy of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM) 2016 report Gene Drives on the ...
Peri-Urban Community Attitudes towards Codling Moth Trapping and Suppression Using the Sterile Insect Technique in New Zealand
Tags: Genetic biocontrol, Moths, Policy, Risk assessment, Stakeholder engagementG. Paterson, G. L. W. Perry, J. T. S. Walker and D. M. Suckling, Insects, 10. 2019.
New, more socially-acceptable technologies are being developed to suppress horticultural pests, because suppression is technically difficult with current technologies, especially in urban areas. One technique involves the release of sterile insects to prevent offspring in the ...
Synthetic Biology: Research Needs for Assessing Environmental Impacts
Tags: Gene drive, Governance, Policy, Risk assessment, Synthetic biologyC. M. Warner, S. R. Carter, R. F. Lance, F. H. Crocker, H. N. Meeks, B. L. Adams, M. L. Magnuson, T. Rycroft, K. Pokrzywinski and E. J. Perkins, Synthetic Biology 2020: Frontiers in Risk Analysis and Governance, 2019.
Synthetic biology and its applications have the potential to greatly improve economic development, public health, environmental stewardship, technological advancement, and many other areas. In May 2017, sixty individuals gathered in Lexington, Massachusetts for a workshop ...
Arthropod Containment Guidelines, Version 3.2
Tags: North America, Regulation, Risk and safety, Risk assessmentAmerican Committee of Medical Entomology; American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, VECTOR-BORNE AND ZOONOTIC DISEASES, Volume 19, Number 3. 2019.
Using problem formulation for fit-for-purpose pre-market environmental risk assessments of regulated stressors
Tags: Europe, Regulation, Risk assessmentYann Devos, Wendy Craig, Robert H Devlin, Alessio Ippolito, Rosalind A Leggatt, Jorg Romeis, Richard Shaw, Claus Svendsen and Christopher J Topping, EFSA Journal, 2019;17(S1):e170708. 2019.
Tags: Gene drive synthetic, Policy, Risk assessment, Stakeholder engagementL. C. Rodrigues, Revista Jurídica (FURB), 22. 2019.
This research aims to study the way in which the environmental risks of Gene Drive biotechnology challenge forms of effective social participation, inserted in the management of biotechnological risks, whose responsibility lies with the organs ...
A potential new tool for the toolbox: assessing gene drives for eradicating invasive rodent populations
Tags: Biodiversity/Conservation, CRISPR, Gene drive synthetic, Gene editing, Genetic biocontrol, Invasive species, Pest management, Risk assessment, Rodents, Stakeholder engagementK. J. Campbell, J. R. Saah, P. R. Brown, J. Godwin, F. Gould, G. R. Howald, A. Piaggio, P. Thomas, D. M. Tompkins, D. Threadgill, J. Delborne, D. Kanavy, T. Kuiken, H. Packard, M. Serr and A. Shiels, Island invasives: scaling up to meet the challenge, 2019.
Invasive rodents have significant negative impacts on island biodiversity. All but the smallest of rodent eradications currently rely on island-wide rodenticide applications. Although signifi cant advances have been made in mitigating unintended impacts, rodent eradication on ...
Evaluating the Probability of CRISPR-based Gene Drive Contaminating Another Species
Tags: Ecology, Evolution, Gene drive mechanisms, Gene drive synthetic, Risk and safety, Risk assessmentCourtier-Orgogozo, VD, Antoine; Gouyon, Pierre-Henri; Boëte, Christophe, bioRxiv, 776609:27. 2019.
The probability D that a given CRISPR-based gene drive element contaminates another, non-target species can be estimated by the following Drive Risk Assessment Quantitative Estimate (DRAQUE) Equation: D = (hyb+transf).express.cut.flank.immune.nonextinct withhyb = probability of ...
A Call to Protect Food Systems from Genetic Extinction Technology
Tags: Gene drive synthetic, Policy, Regulation, Risk assessmentGlobal Food and Agriculture Movement, etc Group, 2018.
Gene drives threaten natural systems. If released experimentally into the environment they may spread engineered genes uncontrollably through wild and domesticated species. This could alter ecological systems and food webs, harm biodiversity and eradicate beneficial organisms ...
Gene drives and the management of agricultural pests
Tags: Agriculture, Gene drive synthetic, Risk and safety, Risk assessment, Stakeholder engagementR. F. Medina, Journal of Responsible Innovation, 5:S255-S262. 2018.
Like all pest control strategies, gene drives are not hazard-free. Ecological risk assessment of gene drives designed to control agricultural pests should be conducted before their deployment. The present commentary provides some thoughts on some of the issues one should consider ...
Tags: Agriculture, Biodiversity/Conservation, Gene drive synthetic, Policy, Risk and safety, Risk assessment, Stakeholder engagementCommittee on Gene Drive Research in Non-Human Organisms: Recommendations for Responsible, Journal of Responsible Innovation, 5:S243-S254. 2018.
Scientists have studied gene drives for more than 50 years. The development of a powerful genome editing tool in 2012, CRISPR/Cas9,1 led to recent breakthroughs in gene drive research that built on that half century’s worth of knowledge, and stimulated new discussion of the ...
Regulating animals with gene drive systems: lessons from the regulatory assessment of a genetically engineered mosquito
Tags: Ethics, Gene drive synthetic, Genetically modified organisms, Policy, Regulation, Risk assessmentZ. Meghani and J. Kuzma, Journal of Responsible Innovation, 5:S203-S222. 2018.
In this paper, we consider the question of whether the United States Food and Drug Administration is prepared to effectively regulate insects and other animals with gene drives. Given the profound impact that gene drives could have on species and ecosystems, their use is a ...
Identifying and detecting potentially adverse ecological outcomes associated with the release of gene-drive modified organisms
Tags: Agriculture, CRISPR, Ecology, Field trials, Gene drive, Gene drive synthetic, Malaria, Mosquitoes, Risk and safety, Risk assessment, Stakeholder engagement, Transmission distortionHayes, KRH, G. R.; Dana, G. V.; Foster, S. D.; Ford, J. H.; Thresher, R.; Ickowicz, A.; Peel, D.; Tizard, M.; De Barro, P.; Strive, T.; Dambacher, J. M., Journal of Responsible Innovation, 5:S139-S158. 2018.
Synthetic gene drives could provide new solutions to a range of old problems such as controlling vector-borne diseases, agricultural pests and invasive species. In this paper, we outline methods to identify hazards and detect potentially adverse ecological outcomes at the ...
Guidance on the use of the weight of evidence approach in scientific assessments
Tags: Europe, Regulation, Risk assessmentEFSA Scientific Committee, Anthony Hardy, Diane Benford, Thorhallur Halldorsson, Michael John Jeger, Helle Katrine Knutsen, Simon More, Hanspeter Naegeli, Hubert Noteborn et al., EFSA Journal, 15 (8): 4971. 2017.
Area-wide Integrated Pest Management
Tags: Genetic biocontrol, Risk assessment, Sterile insect technique (SIT), Vector controlFood and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), International Atomic Energy Agency, 2017.
Throughout history, people have had to fight insect pests to reduce diseases, minimize food losses, protect agricultural trade or simply to avoid the nuisance of stinging, biting and buzzing bugs. Insect pest control is usually implemented locally in individual fields or ...
Ethical issues associated with vector-borne diseases. Report of a WHO scoping meeting, Geneva, 23–24 February 2017
Tags: Ethics, Regulation, Risk assessment, Vector controlGeneva: World Health Organization, Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO, WHO Reference Number: WHO/HTM/NTD/VEM/2017. 2017.
Guidance on risk assessment of living modified organisms and monitoring in the context of risk assessment
Tags: Biodiversity/Conservation, Gene drive synthetic, Policy, Regulation, Risk and safety, Risk assessment, Synthetic biologyAd Hoc Technical Expert Group (AHTEG) on Risk Assessment and Risk Management,, Convention on Biological Diversity, 2016.
This document was developed by the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group (AHTEG) on Risk Assessment and Risk Management, with input from the Open-ended Online Expert Forum, in accordance with terms of reference set out by the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the ...
Can systematic reviews inform GMO risk assessment and risk management?
Tags: Policy, Regulation, Risk and safety, Risk assessmentKohl, CF, G.; Sweet, J.; Spok, A.; Haddaway, N.R.; Wilhelm, R.; Unger, S.; Schiemann, J., Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 3:113. 2015.
Systematic reviews represent powerful tools to identify, collect, synthesize, and evaluate primary research data on specific research questions in a highly standardized and reproducible manner. They enable the defensible synthesis of outcomes by increasing precision and ...
Guidance framework for testing of genetically modified mosquitoes
Tags: Containment, Genetically modified mosquitoes, Policy, Regulation, Risk and safety, Risk assessmentWHO, WHO-TDR, 2014.
As the research progresses, a need has been expressed both within the scientific community and by the public for additional standards and guidance. WHO-TDR and the Foundation for the National Institutes of Health (FNIH) co-sponsored a technical consultation meeting in 2009 to ...
Regulatory experience and challenges for the release of GM insects
Tags: Aedes, Agriculture, Dengue, Gene editing, Genetic biocontrol, Other arthropods, Pest management, Policy, Regulation, Risk and safety, Risk assessmentBeech, C, Journal Fur Verbraucherschutz Und Lebensmittelsicherheit-Journal of Consumer Protection and Food Safety, 9:S71-S76. 2014.
Genetically modified (GM) insects are a potentially valuable new tool for the biological control of insect pests of humans, animals and plants. Considerable progress has been made recently in transfer of GM insects from the laboratory to release and evaluation in the environment. ...
Guidance on the environmental risk assessment of genetically modified animals
Tags: Birds, Fish, Genetically modified organisms, Other arthropods, Other mammals, Policy, Regulation, Risk and safety, Risk assessmentEuropean Food Safety Authority, European Food Safety Authority, 2013.
This document describes the six sequential steps for the ERA of GM animals, as indicated in Directive 2001/18/EC: (1) problem formulation including hazard and exposure identification; (2) hazard characterisation; (3) exposure characterisation; (4) risk characterisation; (5) risk ...
Scientific opinion addressing the safety assessment of plants developed through cisgenesis and intragenesis
Tags: Europe, Regulation, Risk assessmentEFSA Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), Parma, Italy, EFSA Journal, 0 (2): 2561. 2012.
Scientific opinion addressing the safety assessment of plants developed using Zinc Finger Nuclease 3 and other Site-Directed Nucleases with similar function
Tags: Europe, Regulation, Risk assessmentEFSA Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO). European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), Parma, Italy., EFSA Journal, 2012; 10 (10): 2943. 2012.
Biosafety for human health and the environment in the context of the potential use of genetically modified mosquitoes. Training Manual. A Tool for biosafety training (internet version) based on courses in Africa, Asia and Latin America, 2008-2011
Tags: Regulation, Risk and safety, Risk assessmentWorld Health Organization, p. 242, 2011.
RSPM No. 27 Guidelines for Importation and Confined Field Release of Transgenic Arthropods in NAPPO Member Countries
Tags: Field trials, Genetically modified organisms, Policy, Regulation, Risk assessmentNAPPPO, NAPPO Regional Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, 2007.
This Standard is designed to provide guidance to NAPPO member countries on the importation and confined field release of transgenic arthropods that are known plant pests or have the potential to affect plant health. This includes transgenic arthropods used for biological control ...
Guidelines for the export, shipment, import and release of biological control agents and other beneficial organisms
Tags: Biological control, Policy, Regulation, Risk assessmentInternational Plant Protection Convention, Food and Agriculture Organization, 2005.
This standard provides guidelines for risk management related to the export, shipment, import and release of biological control agents and other beneficial organisms. It lists the related responsibilities of contracting parties to the IPPC, national plant protection organizations ...
DIRECTIVE 2001/18/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 12 March 2001 on the deliberate release into the environment of genetically modified organisms and repealing Council Directive 90/220/EEC
Tags: Europe, Regulation, Risk assessmentTHE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL, 2001.

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