
This is a database of print and digital media coverage of gene drive technologies and genetic biocontrol-related topics. This database is intended to serve experts and non-experts by capturing how gene drive/genetic biocontrol technologies and issues around the technologies are being represented, discussed, debated and evaluated by the public.

Genetically modified mosquitoes could combat deadly diseases, scientists say

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The Sydney Morning Herald,  2025.
Genetically modified mosquitoes could be the solution to stopping deadly diseases spread by mosquito bites, scientists say.

Should We Unleash GMO Mosquitoes?

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Brooke Borel and Anna Rothschild,  Entanglements,  2024.
In this episode of Entanglements, hosts Brooke Borel and Anna Rothschild discuss the ethics and risks of genetically modified (GMO) mosquitoes. They explore differing expert opinions, focusing on technologies like gene drives and sterile males, examining ecological and safety ...

How genetically engineered mice could stop the spread of Lyme disease

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Cristela Guerra and Stephanie Brown,  WBUR Radio Boston,  2024.
New England has some of the highest rates of Lyme disease in the country. MIT researchers are trying to fight the disease in a project that involves releasing hundreds of thousands of engineered mice onto the shores of Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard. On Radio Boston, Kevin ...

Most advanced gene drive projects

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Gene Drive Monitor,  2024.
This infographic shows the species in which a gene drive has actually been built and is at least partially functional, up to 1 March 2024. Note that gene drives have been proposed in many more species, as shown our taxonomic list of targets here. Along with gene drives it ...

TWiV 1161: Baby you can drive my gene

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MicrobeTV,  YouTube,  2024.
TWiV reviews continuing expansion of poliovirus type 2, removal of influenza B/Yamagata from the vaccine, Nobel Prize for miRNAs, protective immune response with a adenovirus-associated virus vector expressing a computationally designed hemagglutinin, and viral gene drive during ...

GeneConvene Global Collaborative | Considerations for the First Field Trials of Gene Drive for Malaria

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GeneConvene Global Collaborative,  YouTube,  2024.
A webinar organized by the GeneConvene Global Collaborative discussed the potential first field trials of gene drive technology for malaria control. This genetic modification approach aims to alter mosquito populations to reduce their ability to transmit malaria. While laboratory ...

Why are gene drive technologies being considered to help restore biodiversity on islands?

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Outreach Network for Gene Drive Research,  2024.
Researchers have been studying how to harness gene drives to solve some of society’s most intractable problems for a long time. Public health and ecosystem conservation are two of the main areas where research has focused, although other uses are also possible.

Mosquito population structure and gene-drive

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Heredity Podcast,  2024.
Gene-drives hold great potential for the control of biological pests, but first they need to be thoroughly tested under appropriate conditions. In this episode we discuss some new work assessing whether mosquito populations in Northern Australia could be used to test a gene-drive ...

Communicating Creatively About Genetically Modified Mosquitoes

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Lorraine Gibson,  Target Malaria,  2023.
In 2018, the Target Malaria team at Imperial College London published a  landmark paper  in Nature Biotechnology. The study demonstrated how gene drive mosquitoes successfully suppressed a population of wild-type malaria mosquitoes, marking a significant milestone for gene ...

ISAAA Inc. | Genetic Tools For Conservation and Health: What’s The Role of Gene Drives?

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Kristine Grace N. Tome,  Science Speaks,  2023.
ISAAA Inc., in partnership with the Outreach Network for Gene Drive Research and the Malaysian Biotechnology Information Centre (MABIC), gathered approximately 834 online participants during the webinar Genetic Tools for Conservation and Health: What's the Role of Gene Drives? ...

Framing Challenges and Opportunities for Canada: Expert Panel on Regulating Gene-Edited Organisms for Pest Control

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CCA (Council of Canadian Academies),  Framing Challenges and Opportunities for Canada,  2023.
Gene-editing technologies are changing approaches to pest management. Rapidly evolving but unproven gene-editing tools could potentially mitigate the impacts of pests in public health, conservation, and agricultural contexts. The use of these tools, however, is accompanied by ...

Worldwide Experts on Gene Drives

Save Our Seeds,  2023.
We are travelling the world speaking to some of the world's leading thinkers, activists and academics on the impact of gene drives. Join us for this video series as we hear from a diverse range of experts on one of the most controversial new emerging technologies that we face.

Introducing Emerging Health Technologies in Africa

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Health Tech Africa,  Health Tech Africa Podcast,  2023.
In this episode, the Project Director of the Platform for Dialogue and Action on Health Technologies in Africa, Professor Richard Mukabana, discusses new technologies that if well developed and proven safe and effective, have enormous potential to eradicate disease on the ...


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S. Hartley and T. Law,,  2022.
UK scientists have proposed gene drive as a management tool to control grey squirrels. Now is a good time to talk about this emerging technology because the hopes and concerns of experts, stakeholders and the public can help to determine if or how it might be developed. To help ...


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Stop Gene Drive,  STOP GENE DRIVES,  2022.
We are travelling the world speaking to some of the world’s leading thinkers, activists and academics on the impact of gene drives. We interviewed more than 20 experts from around the world

How We’re Reducing Disease With Genetically Modified Mosquitoes

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V. Wise,  HealthMatch,  2022.
We all know mosquitoes as those annoying insects we swat away from our faces. They carry diseases, so we don’t want them anywhere near us. There are over 200 types of wild mosquitoes bugging us across America and the U.S. territories. Approximately 12 types can spread disease, ...

Genetically-Modified Mosquitos Could Soon Be Released in California

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A. Madrigal,  KQED,  2022.
Millions of genetically-modified, non-biting mosquitoes may soon be set loose in California after federal regulators gave the green light to a study aimed at preventing transmission of diseases like Zika and dengue. British biotech firm Oxitech says its technology alters male ...

Will genetic modification of mosquitoes take a bite out of insects’ population?

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N. Patel,  KCRW,  2022.
An invasive species of aggressive “ankle biters” called the Aedes aegypti mosquito is now in LA, and it’s spreading quickly. These tiny vampires can lay eggs in a space as small as a water-filled bottle cap, and they carry diseases like yellow fever and dengue. A British ...

An army of genetically engineered mosquitoes is about to be released

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M. Menard,  KNX NEWS,  2022.
A British biotech company has been altering the DNA of mosquitoes with the goal of killing off a more dangerous breed capable of spreading deadly diseases. And now they’re preparing to release their “friendly mosquitoes” into the wild. In California. Aedes aegypti is an ...

Podcast: How do you solve a problem like malaria?

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A. Jha,  The Economist,  2022.
SQUASHING MALARIA could, over the next three decades, save as many lives as covid-19 has taken. We explore new ways to fight infections: from the introduction of the first malaria vaccines, to genetically modified mosquitoes

The power of gene editing

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The Economist,  The Economist,  2022.
Technologies such as genetic modification and ‘CRISPR’ will cure hereditary diseases, produce disease-resistant crops and enable the breeding of malaria-free mosquitos. But advances bring ethical and practical dilemmas. Genetically modified food is banned in the EU, and ...

Podcast: Malaria Gene Drive

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S. Hartley, S. Neema and C. Opesen,  University of Exeter Business School,  2021.
Professor Sarah Hartley and her two colleagues in Uganda, Stella Neema and Chris Opesen discuss gene drive research for malaria control. Funded by British Academy and Wellcome trust, their work is to understand the social science challenges around the development of this kind of ...

How An Altered Strand Of DNA Can Cause Malaria-Spreading Mosquitoes To Self-Destruct

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R. Stein,  NPR,  2021.
For the first time, scientists have shown that a new kind of genetic engineering can crash populations of malaria-spreading mosquitoes. In the landmark study, published Wednesday in the journal Nature Communications, researchers placed the genetically modified mosquitoes in a ...

Unique effort underway to control deadly mosquitos in Florida Keys

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K. Corso and L. Aguirre,,  2021.
According to the World Health Organization, more than 50% of the world’s population is under the threat of mosquito borne diseases. In South Florida, the Keys are a hot spot for infection and now the first place in the United States for a novel approach to eradicating these ...

West African countries working together to develop framework to regulate genetically engineered mosquitos: Target Malaria

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Anonymous,  Global News,  2021.
Abdoulaye Diabaté, principal investigator for Target Malaria, says West African countries like Burkina Faso, Mali and Benin are working with the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) to develop a pan-West African framework to regulate gene drive mosquitos.

Fighting disease: How are genetically engineered mosquitoes regulated?

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A. Julie,  Global News,  2021.
Mosquitoes have long been associated with the spread of diseases like malaria, dengue fever and the Zika virus. But scientists around the world have been exploring the possibility that mosquitoes could also be key to slowing the spread of disease. By genetically altering the DNA ...

The (Losing) Battle Against Mosquitoes In Texas

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J. Clayton,  Texas Public Radio,  2021.
Jerry Clayton: Mosquitoes are a fact of life in Texas, and the battle against the pesky biting insects is never ending. But there are some new weapons on the horizon. Zach Adleman is an associate professor of entomology at Texas A&M University. He joins us today. Thanks for being ...

Genetically Modified Mosquitoes; ‘Truth Like Oil’ Novel

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Here and Now,  WBUR,  2021.
Florida Keys officials are working on a unique experiment: hatching thousands of genetically modified mosquitos and releasing them. Andrea Leal of the Florida Keys Mosquito Control District explains.

Genetically modified mosquitoes and Africa

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S. Bagcchi,  Sci Dev Net,  2021.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has released new guidance for the deployment of genetically modified (GM) mosquitoes to combat vector-borne diseases like malaria and dengue. GM mosquitoes may carry a gene that kills female progeny and the technology can be used against the ...

Genetically modified mosquitoes; WHO issues new guidance for research

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DTE Staff,  Down To Earth,  2021.
Genetically-modified mosquitoes or GMMs have been used across the world to control mosquitoes. GMMs have been able to bring down the population of the Aedes aegypti by 90 per cent in countries like Brazil, the Cayman Islands, Panama and Malaysia. But there have never been any ...

Burkina Faso Testing Genetically Modified Mosquitoes to Curb Malaria

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H. Wilkins,  Voice of America,  2021.
The mosquito-borne disease malaria kills more than 400,000 people each year, the vast majority in Africa. Target Malaria, an international group of scientists, is working in Burkina Faso on a genetic solution. Abdoulaye Diabate, with the West African country’s Research ...

Florida Environmental Group Says GMO Mosquitoes Fall Short on Scientific Rigor

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C. Drukier,  NTD,  2021.
America’s first genetically modified mosquitoes are now buzzing around six locations in the Florida Keys as part of a pilot project. Developed by UK biotech company Oxitec, the bugs are designed to kill off the wild population of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes that carry diseases ...

Gravitas: Genetically modified mosquitoes arrive in Florida

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P. Sharma,  WION,  2021.
Genetically engineered mosquitoes have arrived in U.S. 20 million 'modified mosquitoes' will be released in Florida to help prevent Dengue. But, Florida residents fear a 'mosquito apocalypse'

Genetically modified mosquitoes | Connect the Dots

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thv11,  THV11,  2021.
This is a local TV story from Arkansas of the Oxitec trial being conducted in Florida.

The first genetically modified mosquitoes released in the U.S. to buzz in the Florida Keys

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K. Weintraub,  USA Today,  2021.
On Thursday morning, workers from a British company placed basketball-sized cardboard boxes into six yards in the Florida Keys. Then they added water. In a week or so, 12,000 male Aedes aegypti mosquitoes will – one by one – begin buzzing out of each box, the first ...

Nearly 144K GMO Mosquitoes to be Released in South Florida: What We Know

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J. Prigeon,  6 South Florida,  2021.
Nearly 144,000 genetically modified mosquitoes will be released in South Florida this week as part of an effort to reduce the population disease-carrying mosquitoes. The landmark release of GMO insects marks the beginning of the U.S.-approved program to control the number of ...

Nation’s first trial of genetically modified mosquitoes starts in Florida Keys

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S. Brock,  TODAY,  2021.
To control the population of potentially disease-spreading mosquitoes, a controversial project is getting underway in the Florida Keys, highlighted by the release of even more mosquitoes that have been genetically modified. NBC’s Sam Brock reports for TODAY from Miami.

Renew Europe | The science & ethics of gene drive technology from a conservation & development perspective

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Renew Europe,  Renew Europe,  2021.
This hearing intends to examine gene-drive technology and its possible impacts, including unintended ones and reveal the complexity of an unknown technology with inherent uncertainties. Scientists from different backgrounds in the field of gene-drive research will present most ...

Should we dim the sun? Will we even have a choice

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E. Klein,  New York Times,  2021.
“Under a White Sky” is going to be on my best books of 2021 list. It’s a wonderful work. Kolbert is the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of “The Sixth Extinction,” which you may have read. She is a staff writer at The New Yorker and just one of the great science ...

FKMCD – Oxitec | Mosquito Project Webinar Series

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Oxitec Ltd,  FKMCD and Oxitec,  2020.
This FKMCD - Oxitec Public Educational Webinar, our ninth, shows how Oxitec's just-add-water technology helps control the Aedes aegypti mosquito population. The second half of the webinar includes questions and answers with attendees.

ARRIGE 2020 Meeting | The promise of CRISPR and gene drive systems to end malaria in Africa

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E. Gomez-Diaz,  ARRIGE org,  2020.
Presentation by Elena Gómez Díaz (IPBLN-CSIC, Granada, Spain) at the ARRIGE 2020 meeting on "The promise of CRISPR and gene drive systems to end malaria in Africa". Discussion is included at the end of the Ruud de Maagd presentation.

NIH NExTRAC (Novel and Exceptional Technology and Research Advisory Committee) | Workshop

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NIH Office of Science Policy,  National Institutes of Health (NIH),  2020.
NExTRAC provides advice to the Director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) on matters related to the conduct and oversight of research involving emerging technologies in biomedical science. NExTRAC also makes recommendations on research involving the use of, and ...

Brave New Planet: Reshaping Nature Through Gene Drives

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E. Lander,  Brave New Planet,  2020.
A new technology, called gene drives, has the power to spread any genetic instructions you wish across an entire animal or plant species in the wild. It might let us restore ecosystems ravaged by invasive species, or help species adapt to climate change. And, it might save ...

GeneConvene Global Collaborative | Research and Innovation for biodiversity: what role for gene drive research?

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EP Intergroup CCBSD,  European Bureau of Conservation and Development,  2020.
This webinar will provide an overview of how gene drive works and the problems it seeks to solve, introduce the most advanced research projects on gene drive in the sector of public health and conservation and present the work that international and European bodies such as WHO, ...

Florida to Release 750 Million GMO Mosquitoes in 2021

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Seeker,  Seeker,  2020.
The U.S. EPA gave the green light to release millions of genetically modified mosquitoes in the Florida Keys in 2021 — here’s what we know.

Teach Me in 10 – Gene Drive Research with Dr. Jennifer Baltzegar

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J. Baltzegar,  Technology Networks,  2020.
Dr Baltzegar teaches us about how the maturation of genetic engineering approaches has advanced gene drives, the two different strategies for gene drives and some of the key questions surrounding the application of gene drives in society.

Anthony James / Mosquito Modification

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Big Picture Science,  SETI Institute,  2020.
Anthony James, vector biologist at the University of California, Irvine, describeshow we might genetically modify mosquitoes to make them unable to pass malaria on to humans.

ENSSER | Gene Drive Webinar Series

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European Network of Scientists for Social and Environmental Responsibility,  2020.
This series of five Webinars by some of the authors of the interdisciplinary Gene Drive Report (2019) and were organised by four organisations of independent scientists: the European Network of Scientists for Social and Environmental Responsibility (ENSSER), Critical Scientists ...

Jonathan Latham on Gene Drives and the Gates Foundation

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James Corbett,  The Corbett Report,  2020.
Jonathan Latham of Independent Science News joins us to discuss his 2017 article, “Gates Foundation Hired PR Firm to Manipulate UN Over Gene Drives.” We talk about gene drives, the dangers inherent in this technology, how the UN is involved, and why the Gates Foundation and ...

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