Keywords: Eradication

Animal trypanosomosis eliminated in a major livestock production region in Senegal following the eradication of a tsetse population

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Momar Talla Seck, Assane Guèye Fall, Adji Marème Gaye, Geoffrey Gimonneau, Mamadou Ciss, Mame Thierno Bakhoum, Baba Sall, Mireille Djimangali Bassène1, Renaud Lancelot, Marc J.B., Vreysen, and Jérémy Bouyer,  Parasite 31,  31. 2025.
African animal trypanosomosis (AAT) was one of the main disease-related constraints to the development of intensive livestock production systems in the Niayes region of Senegal, a 30 km wide strip of land along the coast between Dakar and Saint-Louis. To overcome this constraint, ...